....well, its a new year, i have a new girlfriend, and ive had a new look at life. i hope you all are having a good time with whatever you do. i had a recent tragedy in the immediate family. i dont really want to talk about it, but im doing ok i guess. just wanted to stop in, show you all im still around,...
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Nice to see you again, sorry about the shitty times.....

Lurk Lurk Lurk, im here.
im there.
im just about everywhere, but i wish i could be here with you.
Taking it easy for all of us.
im there.
im just about everywhere, but i wish i could be here with you.
Taking it easy for all of us.

fuzzy wuzzy was a bear fuzzy wuzzy lost his hair fuzzy wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy was he?
Cmon man, where you been?

do do dooo, dee dee dee deeeeee.......
oh, you're actually reading this. Um, mabe i should say something......well..... nothing really comes to mind... so i guess reply to me and make me laugh, im sure thats something we both can enjoy.
- sad

Where has the sadboi been?

I wanna play WoW pretty durn bad......never got in the beta
I know I still can, but it costs money to join the place that offers it and whatnot. I just need a new MMorpg to play

[Edited on Dec 07, 2004 11:04PM]

[Edited on Dec 07, 2004 11:04PM]
tiles A and B are the same color
black and white are the same, depending on youre point of view.
black and white are the same, depending on youre point of view.

I love that pic.....even took it into photoshop to prove it to myself. Proved to myself I'm a dork 

i am such a dork i could not tell you if it we re the same or not if i stared at it all day.

same shit, diffrent day.. discuss....

waited abit to update, i was visiting a friend out of town. its not a bad drive, but it sucks at 3am going 90mph for about 3 hrs, and it get tiring. im going to get some much needed rest, and post a little more tomorrow (hopefully)


Hey all, back again.. still sad as usual. I have some favorites now, it was a hard decision beacuse all the SG girls are so very stunning
. Ill be around for a little while, posting and reading. Im kinda tired i stayed up last night watching the Aqua Teen Hunger Force Halloween marathon, i fuckin love that show. Well, cya all tomorrow with another...
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Another Halloween come and gone, didnt dress up (again). I seriously cant remember the last time i dressed up for Halloween. hopefully ill get more than 5 hours of sleep tonight. Today i spent some time reading past posts, and
over all the beauties on here. I dont really have any faveorites yet, but ill fine a couple im sure
ill be around for abit...
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ill be around for abit...
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ahh wonderful sleep... the staple of the insomniac's day is when youre finally too tired to keep youre eyes open and youre head clear. ill be around in a couple hours, i had a great time on this site tonight/day all you guys are great, and all the girls are beautiful. gnite

cheer up, sadperson. it's halloween. time to make merry and gruesome.
ps. welcome to the site.

ps. welcome to the site.

Hello! Welcome to the site, I hope you enjoy it here. You posted - in your introduction thread - that you're goingt o take some time to read through old posts and stuff. That's cool, a lot fo newbies don't seem to do that.
Here's a link to an old thread called "
Your Favourite Threads", which has links to some threads which will explain a few of the inside jokes.
Here's a link to an old thread called "
Your Favourite Threads", which has links to some threads which will explain a few of the inside jokes.
pics of me 

second journal entry... was asked about myself in a thread and this is what i said:
im actually a very unique guy, i dont really fit into any category, im usually nice to everyone, if you put me down it doesnt effect me (im sad already) ill probly just laugh and try to be witty with my remarks. i dont really get mad ever, unless...
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im actually a very unique guy, i dont really fit into any category, im usually nice to everyone, if you put me down it doesnt effect me (im sad already) ill probly just laugh and try to be witty with my remarks. i dont really get mad ever, unless...
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hey if i look tired in my pic its cause it was like 5am

OH and if you ever want to not be called a n00b don't ever, EVER post in your own journal... reply in the persons who you are talking to.. 

hello all new journal... hmm what type of random gibberish shall i put here? how about telling you about my sad day... ok
woke up about 5pm (damn insomnia) looked for all my friends, but somehow they disappeared and i didnt know where to, so i headed uptown to see all the weird people in halloween costumes getting drunk in bars (i swear i mustve...
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woke up about 5pm (damn insomnia) looked for all my friends, but somehow they disappeared and i didnt know where to, so i headed uptown to see all the weird people in halloween costumes getting drunk in bars (i swear i mustve...
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Hidey-hole dere
Hullo. Welcome. Browse the groups, join some that interest you. Good way to start chatting with like-minded people.