"There is no modern romance"
Things have been going really well. Been very busy, but still good. Got two more tutoring jobs, finishing up the chest piece on saturday, then starting on my legs, gonna bid the old man farewell again...LOL actually i just think hes leavg for the weekend and its only to san diego. gotta rege=ister for school in a few days, and stop being a lazy ass...heh. Getting ready for the summer. Mel is opening up her own shop and asked me to come work for her. I dunno how well thats gonna work out when i am gonna be working 40 hr a week during the summer, then i guess whan i get off at 5 from the YMCA ill head over to the tattoo shop and work till it closes...LOL fun shit.
I stole this from fucks journal....
for now...
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you talk to me a lot?
5. Am I fun to talk to?
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. Whats one thing that we had and was only ours?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
Things have been going really well. Been very busy, but still good. Got two more tutoring jobs, finishing up the chest piece on saturday, then starting on my legs, gonna bid the old man farewell again...LOL actually i just think hes leavg for the weekend and its only to san diego. gotta rege=ister for school in a few days, and stop being a lazy ass...heh. Getting ready for the summer. Mel is opening up her own shop and asked me to come work for her. I dunno how well thats gonna work out when i am gonna be working 40 hr a week during the summer, then i guess whan i get off at 5 from the YMCA ill head over to the tattoo shop and work till it closes...LOL fun shit.

I stole this from fucks journal....
for now...
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you talk to me a lot?
5. Am I fun to talk to?
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. Whats one thing that we had and was only ours?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
2. Are we friends? maybe
3. When and how did we meet? here
4. Do you talk to me a lot? yea
5. Am I fun to talk to? yea
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Cuban B...you know why
7. Describe me in one word. B
8. What was your first impression? hilarious
9. Do you still think that way about me now? yea
10. What reminds you of me? whore island
11. If you could give me anything what would it be? a dead manatee
12. How well do you know me? pretty well
13. Whats one thing that we had and was only ours? parking pass
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? nope
15. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
Peace hoe, put it in yer ass later
2. Are we friends?
You could say that
3. When and how did we meet?
Last year, public bathroom...or here
4. Do you talk to me a lot?
Not lately...cause I suck, but usually daily!
5. Am I fun to talk to?
A motha fucka could say that
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
Filthy Fucking Bitch...cause I bet you just creamed yourself.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression?
Of what? You...Jell-O?!
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
Fuck yeah...Umm..in what way?
10. What reminds you of me?
"Giddy up!"
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
My penis...
12. How well do you know me?
Well enough
13. Whats one thing that we had and was only ours?
"Giddy up hooker"
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
Hells no...I love you, I want you naked...and one time I imagined you covered in hot dog buns...(Okay, maybe not)
15. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
Fuck no...I'm not even sure why I did this...