" I hate you. do u hate me? good cuz you're so fucking beautiful when you're angry. it makes me just wanna take u and throw u on the bed and fuck you like i dont even know you. well u fuck other people and i fuck other people, you're a slut but I'm equal i'm a mut. we're both evil in our ways, but none of us would ever admit it cuz one would have one up on the other, so forget it"
Yeah, so not much goin on here. Gonna start working quite a bit, which sucks, but it'll keep me busy. I wish there was something to do around here....fuck. Oh well.
An ex from a long time ago asked me to beat up his girlfriend cuz she cheated on him, but he cheated on her too, so fuck that. that's retarded. why in the hell would i do that?
JEBUS, christamas needs to come already. i'm sick of this shit. My father has not even called me to invite me to christmas. well, fuck him and his stupid whore wife. I gon't need him anyways. I already have enough little boys posing as fuckin men in my life.
So, i am making my brother this scrap book thing as one of his presents for christmas, because he is getting ready to leave for Iraq in january. I think that will be a very fucking hard time for me. I mean, i thought i was gonna die when he went away for bootcamp and that was only for 3 months. he and I are really close and he was not only, like one of my best friends growing up, but he also posed as a father figure to me for a long time. It's gonna suck so bad. I don't think I'm ready for all that. especially with all the other shit i have been going thru lately.
Anyways, everyone should go look at fuck's journal because he is my favorite silly michigan white boyfriend man.
and DAMNIT, JOEY!!!!! ( ThatHxCGuy ) I will slap u!!!!! HSLP love though
Yeah, so not much goin on here. Gonna start working quite a bit, which sucks, but it'll keep me busy. I wish there was something to do around here....fuck. Oh well.
An ex from a long time ago asked me to beat up his girlfriend cuz she cheated on him, but he cheated on her too, so fuck that. that's retarded. why in the hell would i do that?
JEBUS, christamas needs to come already. i'm sick of this shit. My father has not even called me to invite me to christmas. well, fuck him and his stupid whore wife. I gon't need him anyways. I already have enough little boys posing as fuckin men in my life.
So, i am making my brother this scrap book thing as one of his presents for christmas, because he is getting ready to leave for Iraq in january. I think that will be a very fucking hard time for me. I mean, i thought i was gonna die when he went away for bootcamp and that was only for 3 months. he and I are really close and he was not only, like one of my best friends growing up, but he also posed as a father figure to me for a long time. It's gonna suck so bad. I don't think I'm ready for all that. especially with all the other shit i have been going thru lately.
Anyways, everyone should go look at fuck's journal because he is my favorite silly michigan white boyfriend man.
and DAMNIT, JOEY!!!!! ( ThatHxCGuy ) I will slap u!!!!! HSLP love though
luv ya!!