" So I'll tell you that i love you even though i'm far away
And I'll tell you how you change me as I live from day to day.
How you help me to accept myself and I won't forget to say,
Love is never wasted, even when it's hard love."
Same old shit, different day. School, work, blah blah, fucking blah. I need a vacation. I think maybe a trip home to hawaii is in order....someday.
I just watched some kids for the whole weekend in a big ass mansion and got paid $350 for the weekend. That was cool.
So seriously, I love my boys J and J. They rock. I will have them both.
And I'll tell you how you change me as I live from day to day.
How you help me to accept myself and I won't forget to say,
Love is never wasted, even when it's hard love."
Same old shit, different day. School, work, blah blah, fucking blah. I need a vacation. I think maybe a trip home to hawaii is in order....someday.
I just watched some kids for the whole weekend in a big ass mansion and got paid $350 for the weekend. That was cool.
So seriously, I love my boys J and J. They rock. I will have them both.
i love my girl too!
Damn it, I love you!