I'm trying to mend a somewhat broken relationship right now and the other party is being "Mr. Asshole 2004". *sigh* He's has a fucking cold, not ebola..JESUS!!! Was supposed to have a hot date with the boy last night, but it ended up being lukewarm, but I guess that's OK. School is going OK. I just had a mid-term on thursday that I didn't study for, which I think I did fairly well on. I got an A on some project where I had to sing a fucking children's song in front of my whole class. Embarassing, yet nostalgic at the same time.
As for my boys, J and Texas, you need to come visit me, stat!
As for my boys, J and Texas, you need to come visit me, stat!


Man, I go to check your profile for the first time in a couple of weeks, and the first thing I'm greeted with is an inordinately large photo of wang. Glad you're doing well.