Hello there,
Life in this city carries on, even though I'm not seeing a whole lot of it... I've got work in an exhibition next week which is as yet unfinished in a rather significant sense (ie not even started yet). I will post photos as soon as I can - it'll be interesting to show the world what I do instead of a living.
But its okay, all is going to be okay. That's my mantra for the time being, at least until next week, when the shit will really start to rain down.
At some point in my life I'm going to get this mythical life-work balance thing sorted out properly. I want to eat and sleep and not feel guilty about it, and I'd like to see my girlfriend (endlessly patient, forever understanding) and just...stop and breathe for a second or two.
There's blossom on some of the trees out there. Its beautiful, if in an entirely freaky manner. This time last year, before everything happened that happened (a long story) we were walking through snowy streets trying to figure it all out in our heads, and trying not to fall on our asses.
some things never change I guess.
xx r
Life in this city carries on, even though I'm not seeing a whole lot of it... I've got work in an exhibition next week which is as yet unfinished in a rather significant sense (ie not even started yet). I will post photos as soon as I can - it'll be interesting to show the world what I do instead of a living.
But its okay, all is going to be okay. That's my mantra for the time being, at least until next week, when the shit will really start to rain down.
At some point in my life I'm going to get this mythical life-work balance thing sorted out properly. I want to eat and sleep and not feel guilty about it, and I'd like to see my girlfriend (endlessly patient, forever understanding) and just...stop and breathe for a second or two.
There's blossom on some of the trees out there. Its beautiful, if in an entirely freaky manner. This time last year, before everything happened that happened (a long story) we were walking through snowy streets trying to figure it all out in our heads, and trying not to fall on our asses.
some things never change I guess.
xx r
I don't get the arctic monkeys either... or a lot of new music. I think I'm getting old and grumpy