What a week!!!
I just got out of the hospital about 2 hours ago. Ive been in since Tues Morning.
I have Colitis they said. I just don't know what kind yet. (ulcerative, crohns, or just viral) I had a colonoscopy done, and they had to send the biopsies off somewhere else to get tested. I will know the cause and which kind on the 11th when I go back in to do a check up. This may be TMI but:
I was (and still am) having severe pains in my gut. I vomited on Monday night, then that next day the pain got worse when i went to go to the bathroom so bad I was crying and screaming (and I have a high pain tolerance) then when i woke the next morning I thought I was just going pee and I instead had a bowel movement that was nothing but blood. A LOT of blood too and NO stool in there at all... This happened 3 more times that day with the same amount of blood before I checked myself into the ER and happened 2 times while I was waiting. I should have eaten before I went in because I was NPO (only aloud Ice Chips to eat and drink) the next two nights (they kept me for observation since I was losing too much blood) I had a panic attack while I was there and had to be put on oxygen as well.
I finally heard a bit of something today (which is how I found out it was colitis) and I will know more in a week as to what kind, and the cause of it all...
for right now the doc wants me to stay away from: chocolate, nuts, spicy foods, dairy products, raw veggies, raw fruits, and caffeine until they know 100% for sure what the cause and the type it is...and this may be a permanent diet change if it is anything but viral colitis (crohns, or ulcerative). I am also not permitted alcohol for about a month.
at-least i don't have to stay away from meats! lol I think I would die if I couldn't eat a steak now and then.
so now im permanently on Xanax (since i apparently have "anxiety issues") and pain meds for my gut (since it is permanently in pain now).

I just got out of the hospital about 2 hours ago. Ive been in since Tues Morning.
I have Colitis they said. I just don't know what kind yet. (ulcerative, crohns, or just viral) I had a colonoscopy done, and they had to send the biopsies off somewhere else to get tested. I will know the cause and which kind on the 11th when I go back in to do a check up. This may be TMI but:
I was (and still am) having severe pains in my gut. I vomited on Monday night, then that next day the pain got worse when i went to go to the bathroom so bad I was crying and screaming (and I have a high pain tolerance) then when i woke the next morning I thought I was just going pee and I instead had a bowel movement that was nothing but blood. A LOT of blood too and NO stool in there at all... This happened 3 more times that day with the same amount of blood before I checked myself into the ER and happened 2 times while I was waiting. I should have eaten before I went in because I was NPO (only aloud Ice Chips to eat and drink) the next two nights (they kept me for observation since I was losing too much blood) I had a panic attack while I was there and had to be put on oxygen as well.
I finally heard a bit of something today (which is how I found out it was colitis) and I will know more in a week as to what kind, and the cause of it all...

for right now the doc wants me to stay away from: chocolate, nuts, spicy foods, dairy products, raw veggies, raw fruits, and caffeine until they know 100% for sure what the cause and the type it is...and this may be a permanent diet change if it is anything but viral colitis (crohns, or ulcerative). I am also not permitted alcohol for about a month.
at-least i don't have to stay away from meats! lol I think I would die if I couldn't eat a steak now and then.
so now im permanently on Xanax (since i apparently have "anxiety issues") and pain meds for my gut (since it is permanently in pain now).
your friendly neighborhood asshole-