Chalk up another win this weekend! Great season thus far...6 events in and we have 4 wins, a second and a third. The third should have been a win, but I made a poor tyre choice for the conditions and we ended up sliding ALL over the place in the first--snow-covered--event of the season. I think that we also may have secured both sponsorship AND a new ride for next year as well!!!
On other fronts...My performances in bed have been sad lately, as evidenced by these reviews:
"Short and sad" - Chicago Tribune
"That was it?!?" - Boston Globe
"Zzzzzz" - Houston Chronicle
"It felt like dying...and was Sad" - NY Times
Only my mad, mad oral skills are saving me at this point...I need to focus...or maybe focus less?...or add large numbers...or drink more...drink less....
What else...still not sure when I/we are moving...we are still waiting to get word on where She will be assigned...she requested CA, NY or DC, so we are hoping it will be one of those locals, but in reality it could be anywhere...which makes it tough for me to start looking for a new employer...but there are McDonalds EVERYWHERE and I look dang good in the paper hat!!!

On other fronts...My performances in bed have been sad lately, as evidenced by these reviews:
"Short and sad" - Chicago Tribune
"That was it?!?" - Boston Globe
"Zzzzzz" - Houston Chronicle
"It felt like dying...and was Sad" - NY Times
Only my mad, mad oral skills are saving me at this point...I need to focus...or maybe focus less?...or add large numbers...or drink more...drink less....
What else...still not sure when I/we are moving...we are still waiting to get word on where She will be assigned...she requested CA, NY or DC, so we are hoping it will be one of those locals, but in reality it could be anywhere...which makes it tough for me to start looking for a new employer...but there are McDonalds EVERYWHERE and I look dang good in the paper hat!!!

hey at least your mentioned in the papers, that has to account for something!
Stay away from NY and hope you get located to DC. It's such a cool city and has one hell of a music scene! Plus you can protest the White House, that is if you feel about our leader the way I do.
Good luck with the job hunt - paper hats are always fun although nothing really tops a Buger King crown! Cellar door