Went and saw Lion, Witch, Closet last night...It was good enough...no serious complaints...I struggle with movies that have spawned from books that I have read--wow, what a terrible sentance...Speak English much? Talking it over with the GF, I think that it's because movies have such a finite amount of time in which to tell a story and develope characters. Sometimes, I feel like things are glossed over in the converstion from book to screen...Of course, having said that, after watching Jarhead and then reading the book, I must say that I like the movie version better. I must say, toward the end when the "kids" are riding through the woods with their crowns...I kept expecting one of them to offer me a breakfast sandwich, BK-style.
Oh, and I think that I commented on this before, but who invented the "On a scale from 1 to 10"? I want to, "poop on his grave"
It's all I have heard lately after movies...and half the time people answer, "It was good"!!!! Good? That's not on the scale!!!
Oh, and I think that I commented on this before, but who invented the "On a scale from 1 to 10"? I want to, "poop on his grave"

I'm not sure what's quite required to get approved at artspace but we did get approved so kudos to us.
I still have yet to travel to Narnia - I'm a bit afraid to as I don't think it will be as fascinating as my imagination was at 9 when I first read the book. What do you think? Cellar door