I am truly sick of people in this country bitching about media bias while supporting biased media. I read so many blogs and posts on various websites with people bagging on the media sources for being either too liberal or too conservative depending on the source. The media isn't supposed to report sensational news that conforms to its audience's belief system. The media is supposed to report dry unbiased news. The answer to FOX news isn't Air America. They are mirror images of each other, opposite but identical and both equally innefective and lacking in integrity. The problem is that Americans don't watch if it isn't entertaining; so, the media has decided to do whatever is necessary to make it entertaining.
If you remember that it's entertainment then it shouldn't be making you mad. And if you're forming opinions based on it then you are wasting your time. You also shouldn't waste your time writing about it being slanted when you know that the reason it is slanted is to keep you there so that they can expose you to commercials and collect revenue. If you want real news, support public broadcasting. It's the only real news there is. If they screw up, hold them to the flame. If people cared about real issues the way they care about the tripe ejected from the blowholes of media celebrities when they blather to get ratings, we would be a much more well informed world. Then maybe we could actually learn from history rather than repeat it.
If you think the New York Times is slanted to the left, you're right. It has a liberal audience it has to keep happy. If you think FOX News is slanted right, you're right on that one too. Lots of people won't listen to the news unless it has The Factor. It sucks, but that is reality. None of it is in fact news. With every flip of the calender page, the media slants further and further to each idealogical extreme in an effort to make it's core audience happy. Those of us that try to consider things from both perspectives and those of us who understand that compromise is what allows this world to function will be left behind. We will be abandoned for the things that extremists both covet and loathe. Extremists ruin the world. They've already succeeded in doing it to the spineless polluted sludge that is modern media and they will do it to everything eventually if reasonable people don't start doing the right thing.
If you remember that it's entertainment then it shouldn't be making you mad. And if you're forming opinions based on it then you are wasting your time. You also shouldn't waste your time writing about it being slanted when you know that the reason it is slanted is to keep you there so that they can expose you to commercials and collect revenue. If you want real news, support public broadcasting. It's the only real news there is. If they screw up, hold them to the flame. If people cared about real issues the way they care about the tripe ejected from the blowholes of media celebrities when they blather to get ratings, we would be a much more well informed world. Then maybe we could actually learn from history rather than repeat it.
If you think the New York Times is slanted to the left, you're right. It has a liberal audience it has to keep happy. If you think FOX News is slanted right, you're right on that one too. Lots of people won't listen to the news unless it has The Factor. It sucks, but that is reality. None of it is in fact news. With every flip of the calender page, the media slants further and further to each idealogical extreme in an effort to make it's core audience happy. Those of us that try to consider things from both perspectives and those of us who understand that compromise is what allows this world to function will be left behind. We will be abandoned for the things that extremists both covet and loathe. Extremists ruin the world. They've already succeeded in doing it to the spineless polluted sludge that is modern media and they will do it to everything eventually if reasonable people don't start doing the right thing.