- on dicentra's status update
- on dicentra's status update
- on dicentra's status update
- on cripplethreat's blog post
- on gemmaedwardsuk's blog post
- on clem's photo
@Rambo & @Missy
This is 4 days after the Chicago Cubs won the World Series. My bus route home goes past Wrigley Field. I took this picture because I couldn't believe how many people were hanging around the stadium. It's a game day crowd with no game going on. And this picture is 2 months old. So that should give you an idea how often
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@rambo @missy
This one's pretty simple.
Titty Fuck
Sorry to be so crude. I tried this once when i was much younger. I had seen it in porn. Mind you, 70's porn. I got it in my head that I have to try this just once.
I had this one friend who was pretty much game for anything, at least once. So one night we're...
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Okay, so it's not actually a photo of me but a painting my friend Noelle did of me. And it is my favorite representation of me. And why i love this, is that it captures how somebody else sees me. It's a deeper look. And photos can be art but not all photos are. Anyone can snap a picture with a camera but only an
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I like these. I like reading these things about the people on here. It's these little things that paint a more clear picture of people.
1) Can't stand chewing sounds. It drives me nuts. And goes back all the way to when I was a kid. Don't rightly know why, the sound just bothers me. If I'm eating then I can't hear other people eating....
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This is my Character Fragile. I picked it out of the list of 1,000 names that Cogsworth will say. Not my first character, just one of many.
I am not always content with everything in the game so i am always trying to change the textures of things. I gave her a personalized EatMe tattoo on her neck and wrote her name on her shirt.
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Yes, the Charlie Brown yell. I just want to vent, nothing else.
So I went Tue with my Mom to the hospital for her scannings. To see how her cancer is progressing or hopefully regressing. So I call her last night and she got all kinds of horrible news. It's spreading. She's got some in her kidnye and more spots in different pars of her...
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So last night I read my friend @dicentra full Tella-Novella blog post. And it got me thinking. I have known and been friends with so many people with mental health issues. A lot of it runs through my family on my moms side. Aunts, uncles and cousins have committed suicide. At one point I had met so many women that were bi-polar that a friend...
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The ceiling above the bathtub at work comes crashing down. Not the whlole ceiling just chunks of it. Spent most of the day cleaning up the wet plaster. And finally found where the water is coming from. On the bright side it's a drain pipe. Yay.
Walked by this shop near work.
The store is called"Happy Play", and it's filled with hundreds of parakeets. I could only catch a few on here because most would just fly away when I tried to photo them. They are not selling these birds and no one knows what this store is but it did make me think of @dicentra when I saw it. Although
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