I've added pics of a couple of my new summer 2005 bags, they're in my bags folder.
Not much new. I'm sick of student teaching & being observed. I can't wait for it to end.
I want to spend more time sewing as the summer market season starts in a month but I have a lot of school type stuff that has t take priority right now. I'm tired of being a student. But I know that as soon as I finish in August I'll start planning a masters degree. I've become somewhat of an over achiever as I get older.
Not much new. I'm sick of student teaching & being observed. I can't wait for it to end.
I want to spend more time sewing as the summer market season starts in a month but I have a lot of school type stuff that has t take priority right now. I'm tired of being a student. But I know that as soon as I finish in August I'll start planning a masters degree. I've become somewhat of an over achiever as I get older.
Hey, I just looked at your favourite bands - oh so similar to mine. That makes me smile, too. You're talented and have great taste in music, dearie!