A dancer is on point on stage but when she steps into life she winds up tripping over nothing. Why is that? Because a dancer is like an evolved being. A dancer is an artist, so just like all the artists, musicians, writters, and people with unlimited imaginations, their minds are not always on what's in front of them. They could be walking and talking right along with you but don't think that they are on the same subject. Most times when they laugh at your joke they just happened to be laughing at what their crush said to them the night before at the right moment... so you think they're following along but they're really in their own head. Not that it's done intentionally, really, they're just swept away by their busy minds. Every so often they'll nod their head or mutter a uh-huh signifying they're not just being an asshole and ignoring you. Trust me, I know. I pretty much just explained myself. Hi. My name is Rubyana. I am a dancer. It's what I probably do the best and feel the most comfortable at thus far. There was a period I didn't dance for about ten years. When I started up again I couldn't understand why I'd ever stopped. Soon I joined my friends hip hop squad and later started up my own hip hop duo with my long time friend DLo.. We call ourselves Bounce Back. (Ya.. dats because we bounce back if you know what I mean.)
That is until I snapped my acl in half skateboarding down burnside half drunk thinking I was un breakable or something. On the wrong side of the street at dusk while it lightly rained. Oh ya, then I had surgery, held a fundraiser, and proceeded to dance in my high heeled boots and mini skirt till I snapped it AGAIN! So this concludes that I'm a hard learner with a thick skull.
Stubborn as hell... but keep in mind I'm the girl with the big heart and a deep soul. My body might be young but I'm quite old. *My mom says I'm special* Noooo- not like that! I've always been the one that Mmm, everyone I know comes to talk to.. about anything and everything. Call me Dr. Ruby. Ooh.. I wanna play doctor... ... ... ...EhUm.
Anyways- and then there are those days that you just wanna wake up and start drinking... and I'm sure I'm not the only one. One day two of my girlfriends and I found this abandoned couch on the side of the road in N. Portland. It was baby blue vintage, half soaked with rain and perfect for our drunken photo adventure. DD and I made out all over that couch for about an hour. We had traffic circling the block just to get another look. Gawd I love that girl.. and I love spontaneous acts of public drunkeness..
Other times I like to get away and take a walk in the.. cemetary. I have my favorite. Being much older than my present body seems to draw me towards the past and peoples' history. I remember as a child being walked through a cemetary I lived next to by my grandmother. She made me stand on some random persons' grave while she took my picture. I was confused and curious as to why at the time but, I learned later that she was merely trying to teach me to not be afraid of death and dying. She herself had just died and was allowed back for a short time.. she told me she came back to give me a message. I won't go into detail about what it was but she died (for good) shortly thereafter and I know she still watches over me.
Ok, enough for now. I'll be back with more adventurous stories and pix to prove them later. Until then- Happy Masurbating!~ Muah~
That is until I snapped my acl in half skateboarding down burnside half drunk thinking I was un breakable or something. On the wrong side of the street at dusk while it lightly rained. Oh ya, then I had surgery, held a fundraiser, and proceeded to dance in my high heeled boots and mini skirt till I snapped it AGAIN! So this concludes that I'm a hard learner with a thick skull.

Anyways- and then there are those days that you just wanna wake up and start drinking... and I'm sure I'm not the only one. One day two of my girlfriends and I found this abandoned couch on the side of the road in N. Portland. It was baby blue vintage, half soaked with rain and perfect for our drunken photo adventure. DD and I made out all over that couch for about an hour. We had traffic circling the block just to get another look. Gawd I love that girl.. and I love spontaneous acts of public drunkeness..
Other times I like to get away and take a walk in the.. cemetary. I have my favorite. Being much older than my present body seems to draw me towards the past and peoples' history. I remember as a child being walked through a cemetary I lived next to by my grandmother. She made me stand on some random persons' grave while she took my picture. I was confused and curious as to why at the time but, I learned later that she was merely trying to teach me to not be afraid of death and dying. She herself had just died and was allowed back for a short time.. she told me she came back to give me a message. I won't go into detail about what it was but she died (for good) shortly thereafter and I know she still watches over me.
Ok, enough for now. I'll be back with more adventurous stories and pix to prove them later. Until then- Happy Masurbating!~ Muah~

I wish I could hang out wit ya before I leave for the
east coast...call me!