I haven't updated in a long time.
After two form letter poetry rejections, yesterday I received good news! A small mag from California accepted two of my poems, which will probably be published in the Fall!
A friend and I are trying to get Stones tickets at Fenway. The second show sold out even before we started trying! I guess we'll e-bay it and pay...
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After two form letter poetry rejections, yesterday I received good news! A small mag from California accepted two of my poems, which will probably be published in the Fall!
A friend and I are trying to get Stones tickets at Fenway. The second show sold out even before we started trying! I guess we'll e-bay it and pay...
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The Paul Westerberg concert was great. It was loud the band had lots of energy and they played songs from Let It Be to recent solo recordings.
Avalon is a pretty small place to see a concert. I was about thirty feet from the stage and about fifteen feet from the speakers. My ears were ringing all next day - which was a small price...
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Avalon is a pretty small place to see a concert. I was about thirty feet from the stage and about fifteen feet from the speakers. My ears were ringing all next day - which was a small price...
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Mais oui, malheureusement.

It's German for "butterfly." It's also what I fully intend on naming my daughter should I ever have one...hehe. Just wait til she learns how Mom used the name.

I'm a little boozy.
Here's a very short poem I wrote that started out inspired by a cardinal that ended up a mourning dove.
Mourning Dove
in the ribs
of a tree.
Who, who
she cries.
There's no
I'm listening to Stick Fingers and I've decided the Rolling Stones are a good band. I'll have to spread the news.
Here's a very short poem I wrote that started out inspired by a cardinal that ended up a mourning dove.
Mourning Dove
in the ribs
of a tree.
Who, who
she cries.
There's no
I'm listening to Stick Fingers and I've decided the Rolling Stones are a good band. I'll have to spread the news.
Ah, yes, that familiar snap crackle and pop. Almost as good as the music itself...
hey i'm aliiiiiiiiive!!
and also: i LOVE the "ribs of a tree" imagery. as i must've said before and i'll probably say again, because i have a poor memory, you have quite a way with words!
rolling stones are very good. however, in my earlier days i listened to them too much, and i found that they are one of those bands i can get sick of.
sad. pink floyd, however, is not on that list.
pictures soon! once i smallerize them so they are small enough to upload!!! GET EXCITED YO.
and also: i LOVE the "ribs of a tree" imagery. as i must've said before and i'll probably say again, because i have a poor memory, you have quite a way with words!
rolling stones are very good. however, in my earlier days i listened to them too much, and i found that they are one of those bands i can get sick of.

pictures soon! once i smallerize them so they are small enough to upload!!! GET EXCITED YO.
I've been trying like hell to write a happy poem - or at least not a terribly sad one. Here's my attempt:
Complaints were common as pennies:
winter had settled in
like consumption,
days burned on short wicks,
leaves and grass were extinct.
Then chickadees and juncos
glided through the back yard easily,
like they were too light for gravity.
Their songs chimed like pocket...
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Complaints were common as pennies:
winter had settled in
like consumption,
days burned on short wicks,
leaves and grass were extinct.
Then chickadees and juncos
glided through the back yard easily,
like they were too light for gravity.
Their songs chimed like pocket...
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There were about 100 dvds I wanted, so I chose one (not sure why only one, I just suck) that would maybe make me laugh.. I just need the time to watch it, though..
I really do like the movie, though.
I like the 'derelicte' fashion.

There were about 100 dvds I wanted, so I chose one (not sure why only one, I just suck) that would maybe make me laugh.. I just need the time to watch it, though..

I've seen anchorman twice. I'm not too big of a fan of will ferrel, although it did have some great moments. 

Gosh, I'm feeling frisky - must be the nice weather on a Friday afternoon - I think I'll run around the house naked
I think I might have to post more pictures soon. Maybe tonight. Do many male SG members take nude pictures of themselves for this site? Do women want to see nude men? Am I naive to ask these questions?
Random thoughts:
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I think I might have to post more pictures soon. Maybe tonight. Do many male SG members take nude pictures of themselves for this site? Do women want to see nude men? Am I naive to ask these questions?
Random thoughts:
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eh i'm ok. still no camera
i dunno i'm periodal and it sucks. so i'm grumpy. and meh.
hehe <3

hehe <3
Hah. There are a few older ones in there, I'm sure you're not the only one thinking about it. As for my pictures, I'm getting there.

Let's see - I bought the new Beck CD and have been listening to it during my 5:00 AM excercise sessions with the elliptical trainer. It's not a great CD but it's not bad either. I was listening to it in my office today at the Bank and it occurred to me I'm probably the only VP of a Bank sitting in his office listening...
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I am back for a short time.
I ended up sleeping as soon as I got home yesterday, until this morning. 13 hours, more or less. No time to get on here. But I did update!
Reading this reminds me that I need to go write someting for my english class tomorrow. I think I'll leave it til I wake up in a few hours. I'll be in a better thinking state.
Mariah Carey has a new cd?!!?!?!

Reading this reminds me that I need to go write someting for my english class tomorrow. I think I'll leave it til I wake up in a few hours. I'll be in a better thinking state.
Mariah Carey has a new cd?!!?!?!

ok - this is a lame journal update but I feel liberated - I figured out how to download a picture to the site
Seriously, this was bugging me every freakin' day!
So, there's two pictures of me - one sideways for some strange reason - and two of this insect I found in my backyard last yard (I know- pretty nerdy)!
Also, there's lots...
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Seriously, this was bugging me every freakin' day!
So, there's two pictures of me - one sideways for some strange reason - and two of this insect I found in my backyard last yard (I know- pretty nerdy)!
Also, there's lots...
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Daylight Savings Time blows. I want my hour back.

haha i like you already because you're funny.
nudes nudes nudes xxx

nudes nudes nudes xxx

Ok - thought I'd show anyone who cares another poem I've been working on:
Your Daughters Stone
Your daughter must
give you this stone.
Its dull and gray,
only she knows
to carry it home.
Placed against the skin
youll never shiver.
Placed in the mouth
youll never lie.
Hold it in your hand
while you write
and youll never
need to revise.
Its greatest...
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Your Daughters Stone
Your daughter must
give you this stone.
Its dull and gray,
only she knows
to carry it home.
Placed against the skin
youll never shiver.
Placed in the mouth
youll never lie.
Hold it in your hand
while you write
and youll never
need to revise.
Its greatest...
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Like the new poem
As for the story behind the picture....It was taken on Canada Day 2000 on Parliment Hill. The picture was in the Ottawa Sun, and even though you can't see it, the Prime Minster was about 10 feet to my left.


I know I will. I'm a bit calmer now, especially after talking to my mom this morning. Sick nieces always put everything back into perspective.
My history senior seminar class is on Modern Art. So, because the prof is a bit pompous, we have to create an art project to learn "the difficulties of artistic expression." Not that I wouldn't do that on my own time anyway...so I'm doing a painting of some sort, though I have been tempted to go to class naked and covered in mustard...
My history senior seminar class is on Modern Art. So, because the prof is a bit pompous, we have to create an art project to learn "the difficulties of artistic expression." Not that I wouldn't do that on my own time anyway...so I'm doing a painting of some sort, though I have been tempted to go to class naked and covered in mustard...

Aeryn requested the poem that I wrote that was recently accepted for publication, so here it goes:
Freeport Cemetery
Two grass-grown ruts led in.
Moss covered the names
of the dead,
blotched the face
of a granite angel
like a rash.
Most here died
when lives were short.
There are no
tiny flags
or plastic roses
to decorate graves.
Sharp-voiced crows claim
theyre the caretakers...
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Freeport Cemetery
Two grass-grown ruts led in.
Moss covered the names
of the dead,
blotched the face
of a granite angel
like a rash.
Most here died
when lives were short.
There are no
tiny flags
or plastic roses
to decorate graves.
Sharp-voiced crows claim
theyre the caretakers...
Read More
One of the big kickers for me was a Modern Drama class. We were reading Ibsen's A Doll's House, and people in the class were actually criticizing Nora's decision to return to her parents (not like she had much of a choice). One girl even went so far as to say she was "playing Torvald like a little ho." Sometimes a bit of context is a good thing, eh?
Hehehe...no opinions...I get told that all the time.
Well...I try to do those things...
Hehehe...no opinions...I get told that all the time.

Oh no, the "ho" comment was made by a graduate student. Who was not laughed at. But then that's standard for the school I go to...ick.
Deconstruction gets under my skin. It merely consists of someone projecting their own neuroses on a text. Why would I wanna listen to someone bloviate about a work of literature when I can watch a Woody Allen film? I don't even like Woody Allen!
The school work isn't going at the moment--stick a fork in my brain, it's done for the week. I need a break sooooo bad, cos next week is gonna be HELL.
Deconstruction gets under my skin. It merely consists of someone projecting their own neuroses on a text. Why would I wanna listen to someone bloviate about a work of literature when I can watch a Woody Allen film? I don't even like Woody Allen!
The school work isn't going at the moment--stick a fork in my brain, it's done for the week. I need a break sooooo bad, cos next week is gonna be HELL.

I just received notice that an editor has accepted one of my poems for publication in his magazine
First Paul Westerberg tx and now this - thing are looking good
Now if I could only figure out how to download pictures to the site

First Paul Westerberg tx and now this - thing are looking good

Now if I could only figure out how to download pictures to the site

Yeah good for you!! Any chance we will get to read it???
DL pictures to this site??? If so I can help - let me know...
DL pictures to this site??? If so I can help - let me know...
I have Jasc Paint Shop PRo 8- the things I do are:
For a pic to be posted in your journal and fit it needs to be 500 x 500 pixels or less. Often the end oup being 500 x 375 or something. To do this I open go to image then resize...and change this.
Usually they are still TOO big- not shapewise from above but
Kb. So on mine when I go to SAVE AS. then from then go to options- I have a slider thing that I can change the compression rate. This is what will get it under 100kb. I start with the little compression. Save, check how big it is, compress again..blah blah blah.
There are several threads about this on the Newbies Group.
Hope this helps....
Oh and your Profile picture workd the same way except it has to smaller than the 500 x 500 -235px wide by 175 px high .
For a pic to be posted in your journal and fit it needs to be 500 x 500 pixels or less. Often the end oup being 500 x 375 or something. To do this I open go to image then resize...and change this.
Usually they are still TOO big- not shapewise from above but
Kb. So on mine when I go to SAVE AS. then from then go to options- I have a slider thing that I can change the compression rate. This is what will get it under 100kb. I start with the little compression. Save, check how big it is, compress again..blah blah blah.
There are several threads about this on the Newbies Group.
Hope this helps....
Oh and your Profile picture workd the same way except it has to smaller than the 500 x 500 -235px wide by 175 px high .
I got nothing planned for the weekend. Thank God.
As for the friends situation..Bleh. I'm slowly letting go of a few already, yay, go me, which was going to happen in the next few months anyway.. It's the ones that have meant the world to me that I keep thinking about.
Plus my attachment issues..