I’m so happy to be apart of the SG community!

I don’t normally use social media.
I’m on Suicide Girls by pure luck, a musician I met and had let stay with me for a while randomly showed me in 2008 when Suicide Girls was still on television.lol

I use to do pornography a lot and I like to stay updated on the trends and
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This community is something beyond pornography. It’s artsy, and mostly, it carries so much meaning for so many people out here, so what I can say is: we are happy to have you here. It’s kinda a safe place and I love it. LOL.
Nice to have you here 🥰

I’ve been alone now for so long, I’m getting use to the feeling. I’ve almost forgotten what it’s like to have friends and someone to share your thoughts.

Working on bicycles and practicing music has me in a mood. Especially because I’m not sharing my thoughts with anyone, I’ve been feeling so isolated from people. I’m finding focusing on work rather than human interests has...
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