I am a follower....I am one of the many people with some sort of illness. My version started out in my throat, added exhaustion and yukky body feelings, and has started developing nose goo and sneezes. I sound AWFUL!
It's especially amusing while I'm trying to finish up some demoing and rough tracking for some songs. I'm tempted to keep the version of one for... Read More
So, bits of recording have begun. Demoing mostly, but lots of ideas are down on tape and continue to flow. It's very exciting. Some of the old frustrations are still definitely there, but I'm sending those into a productive spot by working on music with my boy at home. Dark and dancy so far...it's super fun to do...
Everyone at work is wondering where's Tim? Are you guys going back on tour for a while? Have a fun time. I've been addicted and playing "bathroom stall" all this week. I love it.
i ran into tim the other night and he seemed excited about the possibility of an epoxies/visqueen tour sometime next year when you guys are done recording. now this possibility also gets me very excited. is it just fluff, or can we make this dream a reality? i actually have very little to do with the decision making process in camp visqueen, but damn that would be some good times in the making - and talk about killer shows.
I am a Boston native. I am not normally too much of a sports fan.
xoxo Red Sox. Thank you for that amazing win. thank you for something hopeful.
The most beautiful thing I got to hear about it was minutes after the finish of the game when I called my parents. My mom said, "I just off the phone with your grandmother. She is... Read More
Meh...I just want to curl up under lots of blankets and watch lots of episodes of Law and Order. I want to hibernate.
I need to figure out how to make some $ when I can't go get a real job. Hmmmm. I did just overhaul a web site...even though I have no idea what I'm doing.