Well, Numbers was a complete cluster fuck but I gotta love the shit hole. It's my favorite place. Plus, I get to dance and I ONLY do it there on Fridays. (If ever anyone should go, have Aaron mix your drinks--she is the coolest chick.)
My boyfriend (ex) sent me some CD that he made about a guy who falls in love with a girl, then all goes to shit and ends. It was called "And It Was Going So Well". I guess that was some kind of subtle pussy hint. Oh well, fuck him. Three years and whole lot of bullshit is about all anyone can take. I haven't SEEN him in a year now. Gawd, I hate dating. ick.
I met someone nice at Numbers but I dunno. It's hard to be able to tell anything about anyone there. Besides, I've been having a bad mental health week anyway.
Things will get better though. They always do.
My boyfriend (ex) sent me some CD that he made about a guy who falls in love with a girl, then all goes to shit and ends. It was called "And It Was Going So Well". I guess that was some kind of subtle pussy hint. Oh well, fuck him. Three years and whole lot of bullshit is about all anyone can take. I haven't SEEN him in a year now. Gawd, I hate dating. ick.
I met someone nice at Numbers but I dunno. It's hard to be able to tell anything about anyone there. Besides, I've been having a bad mental health week anyway.
Things will get better though. They always do.
Also, I have to say... I've never heard of a guy making a mix tape or cd for someone he didn't want to be with. That's about about the best bit of inside guy-wisdom I can impart.
[Edited on Mar 09, 2003]
I'd have to go with moondaddy on this one: he's obviously got you on his mind; other than that, who knows?
Sorry it was such a bummer of a week. Hang in there!
You're probably just a few days away from a nice Shepherd's Pie! : )