In time we will learn to modulate our resistance to raise it to the point where airport-type security systems are needed just to let customers into stores, until the daily pain and cost of doing business as usual becomes simply too high to bear. Then, at our pleasure, we will lower our resistance to reward the concessions being made. We dont have to get the shit kicked out of us like we did in Miami. Instead, we grow the power and sophistication of our networks and rachet up our disobedience. We attack in the dead of night and under the noonday sun. We hit them before, during and after world events. Bit by bit, hit by hit we bend them to our will.
More Blogs
Tuesday Oct 19, 2004
Well, Suicide Girls just tried to charge my bank card for a membershi… -
Tuesday Oct 05, 2004
It's me and the dog....with my new haircut. My roommate gave it to me… -
Sunday Sep 26, 2004
Went to a party. Made a friend..... Now I'm sitting around waiti… -
Sunday Sep 19, 2004
I'm so excited. I've got the day off and the weather is so amazing...… -
Tuesday Sep 14, 2004
I've been without internet access in my room for a month and a half n… -
Monday Aug 30, 2004
What a month! Several exciting things have happened.... I'm defi… -
Saturday Jul 31, 2004
Moving to the new house. I can't wait to paint and redecorate!! -
Monday Jul 26, 2004
On my way to see The Rapture in Orlando. I'm dancing in circles alrea… -
Friday Jul 23, 2004
Music is nothing but organized noise. -
Friday Jun 18, 2004
Wow. So much has happened in the last few weeks. I'm broke again, …
There are only two classes of people in the Arab world, the rich terrorist, and the poor terrorist. The Rich terrorist uses the government to screw the poor terrorist. I've been to Egypt. I've seen it with my own eyes. Sewage piled higher than houses. The anger and the hopelessness in people's eyes. What a sewer of wasted humanity. What a terrible waste!
Your quote is a terrifying quote. It implies that the author doesn't give a shit about human rights. It's what happens when you put an infante terrible in charge of a country.