Having Anxiety problems and living alone. two things that suck. the former i can sort of do things about, or at least see things in a different light. the latter is for now in the hands of a some academics person who i assume doesn't understand that when people are thinking about moving 500 miles from home, need to have their internships locked in. all...
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Thanks for the support xoxo smile
today i clean up the apartment because my lovely girlfriend is coming down tomorrow. cleaning sucks, but she rules so it's a fair cop. every day is one step closer to not having to do long distance...or mid distance in this case. one day closer to a great adventure to kick into a new gear. still...the wetjet calls and the bathroom won't straighten itself. thats...
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i have to write something here in order to join some groups. i'm also quite bored. like my identity matters so much. this is the fucking internet. gosh.