My moontime was a week and a half late this month. I think it was just all the stress/sicky shit that's been going on. But she's here now and boy is she pissed!

I feel like someone has driven a pole up my spine and then beat on it with a baseball bat.
I have tea in my hand, a towel wrapped around me, and heating pad on high. I am going to watch Law and Order. The rest I leave in the Goddess's capable hands.
*swoons dramatically
Seriously, though. Today is the first day in a long time that I didn't get the house picked up and "RAWB ready." I know that sounds all corny and shit, but I figure if he goes out and makes the money, he shouldn't have to come home to work too. Especially when I only go to school for 3 hours.

So, here I am. I need to fold clothes, make the bed, clean RAWB's bathroom, and other general straightening tasks....
...and I can't make myself do a single one of them. The worst part is, when he comes home, he won't even be upset. He will tell me to get in bed. Then he will do it himself. Grrr....

I'm just grumpy. And I will punch the next person who chalks it up to PMS....
I need chocolate. ♥
Hanmer Springs?! cool! i was there...ummm..bout 4 years ago. Such a beautiful area....and another hotspring resort close to there.......can't remember the name...in the montains and with the Japanese baths
NE ways, hi from Canada, and please feel better or ill have to fly my lazy ass back there and give a a real hug