Lonely Lola Cherry Cola girl,
How much did they pay you for your smile?
Alone in your own creaming soda world,
Maybe you were happy for a while.
Lola you're a star tonight,
Don't let them
Pluck you from the sky.
Lonely Lola everybody knows,
Everybody calls themselves your friend.
But later on tonight when it gets cold,
Lola who's a gonna love you then?
But there's something in your eyes tonight.
Forget them,
And take it in your stride.
My friends told me 'bout
How you've been getting out,
But no one seems to know your name.
How much did they pay you for your smile?
Alone in your own creaming soda world,
Maybe you were happy for a while.
Lola you're a star tonight,
Don't let them
Pluck you from the sky.
Lonely Lola everybody knows,
Everybody calls themselves your friend.
But later on tonight when it gets cold,
Lola who's a gonna love you then?
But there's something in your eyes tonight.
Forget them,
And take it in your stride.
My friends told me 'bout
How you've been getting out,
But no one seems to know your name.
I shall spend all day on Yahoo waiting for you.
Well not really, cause I have to go to class eventually-but if you get on and see me there-say hi.