back like a god straight out of nirvana, enlightenment's a burden no one should bare. dunno why i'm here, but here i am. promise not to post in the feminism forum, even though i've been thinking a lot about it and i have a lot of questions for the post-fem crowd. not very good ones, i'm afraid. basically a series of questions about how they...
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Heya, welcome back. Hope all is well.xo
this place sucks dick for me. the sooner i get outta here, the better. anyone got 2500 they can loan me, or am i just going to have to get better at online poker?

yeah... thought so...

why is it such a pain in the ass to log on to the site locally? Oh yeah, because my computer's buested. this is turning out to be...
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hahahaha i just realized that in over half the pictures on here, i'm on stage with a mic. hahahaha it only now occurs to me that this may seem llke i REALLY WANT people to know that i'm a ROCKER man (hahaha if you know me, you know why i'm laughing.)

so i'm definitely concieted, (name me one of your friends who isn't) but not...
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We are going to throw you in front of the camera at the club next weekend and let Drew take a picture of you.
People you met, in case you'd like to "friend" them:

Scopitone (you talked about video games at Club Suicide)
d_day (handlebar mustache man)
BraveArt (Manda's man, went to East India Grill and played Left4Dead with us)
Obelisk (was wearing a bathrobe at Club Suicide and came over to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Alice (Louella's roommate)

You know, just in case you're interested in keeping in touch with people out here.
sure don't feel like writing anything. i mean, i do feel like it, but.

having a really nice vacation with bean and shalome, so maybe it's that i'm not miserable enough to produce.

maybe what i'll do is ("what i thought i'd do was, i'd pretend i was one of those deaf-mutes...") i'll do more scribbling when i get too worn out to go on.
hey i'm in a new place and the long drive let me figure something out for some dumb thing to type out to waste the time until i die. hurray! i actually haven't gone anywhere, see... look, the guy said it in a modest mouse song, so it must be true.

two weeks. i only have two weeks to take out all the other families...
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lol, maybe my sleeping schedule is getting better or not. i have a show tonight, and i'm supposed to go to a ccg tourney with a friend at 9 in the morning. HAHAHAHAHAHAH how is that for awesome incongruence? pathetic nerd in the morning, rockstar at night, and yet there's no difference except i might enjoy being a pathetic nerd more. but he always pays...
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the yellow smoke that rubs it's back against the window panes

like the patience

etherized up on a


do i dare disturb the universe (eat a peach)

waking is always like drowning.

sometimes you have the urge to struggle against

the hiacynth girl. drip, drop.

interesting facts: ts eliot and hp lovecraft both deeply bigoted against both jews and blacks at points in their...
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Oh, fart jokes.
i didn't do it even though it took doses and doses but i didn't do it and even though it is barely an abuse, it is definitely barely an abuse, as we ape overlords have defined it. the war. goddamn. the war. the eternal war. the knives of sex. dualists, so afraid to disspell the illusion. words wrapped around words, i drop bombs like mummies...
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Psst... Dude, the Feminists group is not a group you should post in while fucked up. wink
my mouth is a terrible thing to open