I signed up on SG again after like 3 years away. Since then, I have quit my job and have been succesfully working for myself. And I have some really cool new toys.
so i fanlly am updating this bloggy sg thing
my updated picture may be the gayest picture ever taken of me,
its actaully a headshot that i never have or plan on ever using.
so i have decided that msot everything is realtive
i am not goign to stress over shit or try to get uber excited either.....unless it is an hot new naked girlie...
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my updated picture may be the gayest picture ever taken of me,
its actaully a headshot that i never have or plan on ever using.
so i have decided that msot everything is realtive
i am not goign to stress over shit or try to get uber excited either.....unless it is an hot new naked girlie...
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Haha, what a great comment on my set!
Yo brother whats going on. i found away around the fire wall systems up here. fucking kicks ass!!!
So i got one of theose SG skateboards the other day. Dont really skate, but hey its cool and I paid less since I bake cookies for homeless people and stuff.
Right now im in the middle of four video games. beyond good and evil, xiii, kingdom hearts, and vice city. i probably wont finsih any of them.
i want to make toys. someone hire...
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Right now im in the middle of four video games. beyond good and evil, xiii, kingdom hearts, and vice city. i probably wont finsih any of them.
i want to make toys. someone hire...
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happy birthday

Happy Birthday!! 

Okay so I got a request to update my journal so here goes:
The SG shirt I got in the mail last week shrunk, but that's okay, i wont cry. I also ordered one of the nala posters, that shit's gonna look tight framed!
So yeah im in the process of finding a new apartment aroudn ehre somewhere....dont know if im gonna live by myself...
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The SG shirt I got in the mail last week shrunk, but that's okay, i wont cry. I also ordered one of the nala posters, that shit's gonna look tight framed!
So yeah im in the process of finding a new apartment aroudn ehre somewhere....dont know if im gonna live by myself...
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hey your back. welcome back! hows things down West Palm Way?
that is a very nice offfer, but i'm in LA : /
So I was at Lake Worth beach this weekend, and this guy walks up to us and says 'The Second Coming of Jesus is going to be September the 28th. Make sure you're free. Any qyestions, comments, etc.?"
We all kind of just sat there stunned, a little annoyed, and still hungover. Since when do these people go to the beach? I thought they all...
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We all kind of just sat there stunned, a little annoyed, and still hungover. Since when do these people go to the beach? I thought they all...
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I don't hold grudges unlike many people on this site. It's cool mang and don't feel obligated to talk to me ever again. You're fine in my book.
You made a Brak reference in your profile! YOU ROCK!
I read on a post of yours somewhere about your psoriasis. And it does indeed suck ass.

I read on a post of yours somewhere about your psoriasis. And it does indeed suck ass.