To say this is a big week for @coolicio is an understatement of epic proportions. She is rockin her mad photog skills at an Aussie Shootfest, she is celebrating her 1 year anniversary as a Staff Photographer for SG and her lucky 13th year here on….. but wait there is more!!! YOU MAKE MY shot by @Dollyd just hit Member Review! Now I could lie and say its not that big of a deal, but it's been a while since this amazing SG has decided to get in front of the camera again. Let's Crush MR with love and comments and send her straight to the Front Page. Pretty Pretty Please?!?!
Now I have never been shy about expressing my love for @coolicio (granted its in my usual clumsy speak). No matter how badly I slaughter the English language, I just can't help myself, @coolicio just makes the sun rise and set for me in the land of SG… It goes beyond the photography and modeling. She possesses so many amazing qualities that I truly respect and admire. And as far as humans go she is among the best of us, yet remains ever so sweet, ever so humble and generous. Truth be told I am, and will always be amazed by you.
It’s been a while since I wandered down under, and I apologize on bended knee to @coolicio and all of the Aussie SGs and Hopefuls that deserve tons more love than I have been giving lately. Feel free to scold me for getting stuck in the morass of my mortal inconsistencies. I stand before you a changed man that will shout my undying love from the rooftops until I can shout no more..
SG GODDESS @coolicio ~ YOU MAKE MY ~ shot by @dollyd
The Goddess @coolicio graces us with a most beautiful set, suitable for royalty. Now if you have to make something Twinge it might as well be, well you know *wink. @coolicio is back, her poses are true, and every frame is perfect. Thankyou @dollyd your love in shooting YOU MAKE MY shines thru, and I have to say SOTD all day everyday forever and ever, *sigh Amen.
@akiramai ~ Aussie Made
Aussie Made now Canadian babe @akiramai, again has this Alaskan Boy crushing like a silly school boy. If you see a guy tumbling down Whistler screaming I.. I.. I.. love you before crashing into a tree, it just might be me.. Or standing on my boat with a boombox over my head playing 'IN YOUR EYES' off the coast of B.C. It could be me, yep yep ....@akiramai in Lust for Laurie is all that and a Front Page bag of chips!!! Breaking News!! it was just announced that Lust for Laurie will be SOTD very soon!!! Make sure you drop some love on Seek and Destroy by @kyla and don't forget the epic set Chemical X shot by @coolicio with @mila and @aubrey, it’s a little piece of heaven for sure. …..@akiramai and @arachnie just dropped a mega-hot multi-set in to MR. HARD GIRLS, SOFT BUTTS shot by @milkydame which needs your immediate attention. I must say this set caught me off guard. It's hotter than lava and requires special gear to keep from bursting into flames.
@mila ~ Dear Fox
There are times in my life when I wished I could of channeled my inner Renton, Spud, Sick Boy, or Begbie. Luckily for others that phase of reckless abandon never happened. Trainspotting aside, so I must ask, is the beautiful @mila channeling a most studious and fantastically gorgeous girl, lost in the depths of a good read in Lust for Life? Or is this the real @mila? Will we ever truly know the beauty behind those epic spectacles? All I know is SG with out @mila would be like the sky without blue. My favorite set of hers is still DEAR FOX oh my, and don't forget Little Darling with @akiramai both shot by @coolicio :)!!! Blush by @caustix is doing well in MR with a lil more love I could see it make a SOTD push. Coming Soon within the next few months to Member Review @mila has a set shot by @victory and another set shot by @coolicio. More @mila pretty please!!!
@arachnie ~ Buckle the F*** Up!!! (Language I know! Sorry!)
To keep this in confines of @coolicio's Q I want to take you back to a 2016 Set: Fcuk You Like an Animal. If you like the song Closer by NIN, you will be all up in this set and might never leave. Being honest @arachnie intimidates me more than any SG ever, she is so fierce and sensual, I tremble a little just before diving into a new set. Along with the New Multi-Set with @akirimai hours later she hammers us with set UNICORN by @waikiki and it is F***ing glorious. I am still in love with New Life by @milkydame and Exhibitionist by @atlanticlungs would love to see both again on the Front Page, but Before I have stroke I will leave with my Photoset Quote from HARD GIRLS, SOFT BUTTS:
"F*** me this set should come with seatbelts ~ I just fell out of my damn chair ~ what an atomic bomb drop in MR ~ I have chills yet I feel like I'm burning up ~ Maybe when I see this epic collaboration again on the FRONT PAGE I will be better prepared ~ seatbelt, helmet, proper hydration w electrolytes, meds, defibrillator, a wholesome snack, a bag of chips and a soda pop ~ much much love Beautifulllssss ❤️❤️❤️ " Yes I know I'm a silly bastard, but I stand by every word: could apply to all @arachnie sets :)
@mariajupiter ~ Cosplay Heaven
If you read my Birthday Homage to a Beautiful @lady you would have gleaned my love for, and encouragement of Marvel or DC Universe sets, or how about a Marvel vs. DC Universe Multi-Set. Of course @mariajupiter is already ahead of me with her stunning Cosplay sets Spider Gwen and/or should I say 'versus' Baby Batgirl. Which ever Universe you choose (I encourage FP love for both) either one of her Superhero personas are all kinds of crazy beautiful fierce and fun, in their fight for good versus evil. Maybe we will see some Supervillains down the road and the suggested Multi-Set-Multi-verse battle??? … We all know that @mariajupiter creates epic Cosplay Sets, but did you know she has had 5 SOTD's with @coolicio. Lets not be shy about paying some FP love to her New super gorgeous Multi-set Tropical Love Affair by @milkydame with the beautiful American SG @asami who resides in San Francisco, which is about 60 miles from where little ol me was born in Santa Rosa. Note: @mariajupiter has more sets in the Q which includes what looks like a Toy Story Cosplay (please correct me if I'm wrongand Morning Glow by @victory just hit a mere 2 hours behind @coolicio's YOU MAKE MY
@IVYLINA & @MANDEELOU ~ My lovelies My inspiration
Who knew that would we see Russian and French beauty melding into a most beautiful and romantic ballet for the ages. With @coolicio masterfully capturing moments that inspire beautiful sonnets and great works of art. Invoking the sweetest daydreams of 2 of my most favorite SGs @ivylina and @mandeelou, collaborating together on a most tantalizing tryst. The Sight of Lovers Is a guilty pleasure that one should not be denied. @mandeelou and @ivylina hold a special place in my heart now and forever, and it started off with two of my most favorite and cherished Cosplay sets I Hate Everything and Let the Wild Rumpus Start both shot by @coolicio. I dream of the day both of these sets grace the Front Page. Please take the time to visit @ivylina's RIDER by @akril and Take My Body Higher by @minuminula when you get a chance. I will be posting upcoming previews for both of these amazing SGs in Something French and Team Ivy. If you didn't already know it, allow me to be very direct, I love you both very very much.
@kettle ~ Epic Beauty
Now she probably thinks that I have gone off the rails, because I take every opportunity to celebrate her Beauty. @Kettle and @sirenn were the topic of my first real SG Blog T4P #1 back in March of last year. Her Aussie Love Blog was my template, and now she is in her 35th edition with Aussie Member Review Love: Part 35, and my life as blogger is changed foreversss. She is an amazing women and her body of work includes 11 of the most amazing sets on this site. @kettle's first SOTD EVE shot by @coolicio is so beautiful it will make a grown man cry. (I still get tears, seriously) A month after EVE went Front Page her Multi-Set with the amazing @sirenn in LAVENDER shot by @milkydame became SOTD Page which was a personal wish of mine. And it is one of the prettiest love stories I have ever witnessed. My favorite is THUMPER another @coolicio set that is so worth going back to again and again… but wait there is more, In The Q is a new @kettle set shot by @dollyd. I can't wait to gush over it as soon as hits MR..
@sirenn ~ Stunning Red
@sirenn has a new set In The Q shot by @coolicio coming out in 2 1/5 months. I know I know it's a long time to wait but, fortunately while you wait she has 14 amazing sets to include 3 very recent SOTD's for your viewing pleasure. YOU MUST BE A WEASLEY by @waikiki, FEELIN'MYSELF by @milkydame and of course the above mentioned SOTD LAVENDER. Now I'm a huge fan of KISS THE GIRL by @coolico, it's an epic bath Set and it came out on my birthday on August 14th (Mark that on your Calendar I will be posting my very own Wishlist :P :P :P)… A visit to @sirenn's page and you will find yourself on a magical ride of exotic dance and amazing selfies. I am so happy this beautiful unique and absolutely amazing women is finally being recognized for all of her incredible contributions to SG. She gets more and more beautiful everyday and is really come into her own. More sets are on the way, so lets keep her SOTD streak rollin…
@kyanite ~ Sparkling Eyes
So this is kind of a big deal, I hope I don't muck it up. I adore @kyanite and like many other members, I just Crush every time I see her beautiful face. I have yet to post a single thing about her, and I have been dying for a reason too. So here we are and I am all tongue tied and twisted. Let's talk sets before I lose my nerve. Currently Rein-Kyanite by @mikydame is Crushing MR, and this beautiful Fairy should be headed for the Front Page soon. She seems quite authentic, maybe this is her true self and the rest of her sets are just human cosplay. I remember when French Kiss by @coolicio hit MR, this was the set was destined to turn her Pink, it was the perfect classic naughty French Maids Tale, epic really. Here Kitty and Lickety Split both shot by @coolicio will dazzle you with those sparkling eyes and cheeky smile and these 4 sets are just the beginning. So grab a Snickers (cuz you are going to be a while) and dive right in to @kyanite nirvana. Yep Yep!
@blink ~ Love it Green
Any sunset even a Skyrise Sunset that includes the epic beauty of @blink is a must see. Her signature Bright Green Hair and her sultry seductive charm is a brilliant contrast amidst this amazing location. This set is Crushin MR so I am a little confused how it has not received the nod for Front Page yet. Most recently @blink went Front Page with STARDUST by @gemmaedwardsuk and rightfully so. In The Q and coming very soon is a Multi-set with @blink and @arachnie shot by @coolicio, so begins preparations now, because the Heavens are going to roll… Rumor has it that @blink is dialing up some more fun for us at the most recent Aussie Shootfest. Now that is going to be all kinds of beautiful goodnesssss..
Now I am way too shy for MFC, but if I ever happened upon @bud & @heidv Online, I doubt that I could avert my eyes not even for even one second. And if these 2 lovelies don't make the Front Page with this gorgeous Multi-Set, you may see me in the parking lot of SG Headquarters with a bullhorn and a sign written in crayon screaming FP NOW FP NOW!! Granted it won't be until June during my visit to L. A. for ALIENCON… Yes I have full weekend pass to include, backstage and special event passes to ALIENCON because I am a believer…. Back to the girls: @bud's set The GOLD by @coolicio is an epic SOTD and is worth another look. @heidiv's SOTD Hello Darling by @atlanticlungs is absolute must see. Both of these beautiful SGs are must follows and have more amazing sets In The Q. Updates Coming Soon!!
@lexusjayne ~ Sweetest Smile
@lexusjayne struck gold in her first set Cam Girl shot by @coolicio that rocketed straight to SOTD. Her follow up set shot by @emmameow Welcome Home is currently Crushing MR, and In The Q she has another set with @coolicio that will drop in a month (counting down the days). Her smile alone makes this sweetheart a must follow. Her success in MR and future sets especially ones shot by my favorite photog make her a definite Must Follow!!!
@loulux ~ Silky Sweet
@loulux is another Aussie beauty that had fist-set front page success with DAY DREAMING shot by @coolicio. Her follow up set SHOWER THOUGHTS just hit MR and for a set shot in the shower I would have to say its smokin yep yep. Set number 3 with @coolicio is not far behind, hitting MR in 2 months. I would have to say its paramount to keep the magic between these two on the Front Page, so give love and give often.
@nayru ~ All kinds of lovely
I was thinking if My Neighbour Nayru as in if @nayru was actually my neighbor what would I do? To be honest I am so damn shy I would be too scared to leave the house. If I did happen to see her in passing I would be so tongue tied and twisted my brain would fry and I would probably melt right on the spot into a big ol puddle of goo.. This set beams of a golden hued dream with furry ears, sensual curves and the beauty of a women that just takes your breath away.
The lovely @nayru has a bit of history shooting with @coolicio to include Grim Fandango and a gritty and beautiful Multi-set with the amazing @lorii (who could definitely us our love right now) Dusk and Summer. The deeper I delve in to @coolicio's Q the more amazing sets I find, but I must deviate a bit and direct us to a Mega Multi-set shot by @lady. Southern Belle featuring @Marlene, @Karanlit, @Mandeelou, @Lilymai, @Nayru, @Indigo, @Ivylina, @Saria, @Nymphae and Hopeful @Azazel is an epic pool party that we all should make an excuse to enjoy again.
@missfernandez ~ Spinning My Bottle
More Mia! more Mia! more Mia! @missfernandez in Don't Be A Square is anything but square and my favorite version of Mia Wallace to date. The attitude, the mannerisms, and the vibe leaves me to wonder was Tarantino on location to direct this epic Cosplay? You have to wonder eh??? It's sooooooo worth your while to take a first time visit or revisit this incredible set and please give @missfernandez my love. While I'm here with the beautiful @missfernandez I want to point you in the direction of what to seems to be her favorite pastime, creating amazing Multi-sets like Coma White with one of my favorite SGs @Vanp shot by the amazing @minuminula and Il était une fois with the gorgeous @ivory by the sensational @cersei. Let's not forget the epic Mega-Multi Spin The Bottle Shot by @jupiter during the 2017 French Shootfest featuring @Missfernandez, @Mandeelou, @Vanp,@ Ivory, @Janesinner & @Valkyria.
We all know @milkydame as an extremely gifted photographer, she is a downright Aussie legend in that department. She has produced many fantastic Front Page works with Aussie Hopefuls and SGs alike. I could write for days about her photog accomplishment. Perhaps I will very soon, but I want to talk about her debut as Hopeful in Milk and Honey, and her second set coming out soon both shot by @coolicio. She may not remember, but almost a year ago I did ask the question if she would ever get in Front of the camera for SG. Now that the day is finally here I can't contain my excitement. @milkydame is a truly beautiful women, she is fiery, with a lil bit of naughty (ok a lot of naughty), the most wicked smile and these extraordinary eyes that seem a bit of blue and bit of gray depending on the light. She is a very special part of the SG Community and getting her to Pink is something we all should really fight for. I can't express enough how much I love Milk and Honey. The bond between @milkydame and @coolicio is so so very special, and it really shows in this set. Please make sure to give her debut set and all of her photog sets plenty of love and then do it again. @milkydame you are an absolute beautiful treasure ❤️
I got a DM the other day that @coolicio will be shooting my dear friend n Hopeful @caughtfiresg in April. So I wanted to take the opportunity to post one of my favorite photos ever of her and @coolicio together, and a lil photo of @caughtfiresg with another one of my favorite photographers now Hopeful @milkydame. One of the first slideshows I created was of @caughtfiresg's debut Hopeful Set Kissing You Goodbye by @atlanticlungs, since then I have been hooked, and an unexpected friendship has blossomed. I truly adore her kind of beauty. The raven hair, soul piercing blue eyes, and her epic Ink, which includes my favorite chest piece ever of Bambi and Faline. I think by the time her second set hits MR with @milkydame she will be hitting her stride, and it won't be long before she makes the leap to Pink. I believe she has already shot another set with @atlanticlungs, hopefully that will be submitted soon, and an upcoming shoot with @coolicio is a dream of dreams for sure.
I am always blown away by the quality of sets that @lotticia gives us. Here I am listing all of her sets in the hopes that they will be re-visited, and given the love they deserve. There is feast of amazing sets that are creative and beautiful in every way. I think @lotticia truly bleeds Pink and my hope is that one of these past sets or one in the future is going to make her SG dreams come true. You're my only hope, What's Your Wish for Shenron, Are you being served? and Exhibitionist are all shot by @coolicio Your Master of Puppets shot by @atlanticlungs and Vixen's Stable, Here, Kitty both by @milkydame
Hopeful @MORGULL
The beautiful @morgull and her Pink heart has so many amazing sets, so I tried to pick only 2 write about and ended up having to pick 4. Velveteen Bunny is almost too hot for me to handle and Wildwood Flower really makes her ink pop. Summertime Sadness Inspires some dreamy thoughts and I really love the creativity and her fierce side in The First Avenger. Just so we are clear I love @morgull, as should we all. ❤️❤️❤️
So we have some hopefuls that have been a lil quiet lately so lets show em a little love on their very own @coolicio sets, and make sure they know how much we adore them. @foxieheart Wisteria @kittenplay Marshmallow Kisses @cicatrice Love me like you do @hartlee Varsity Dreams
Hopeful @AXELREIGN Rapture
Both Rapture by @cooicio and Crave You @atlanticlungs just melt me. The passion the heat and @axelreign's exotic beauty are almost too hot to handle. She is on the cusp of Pink and I think with a little more love we can truly put her over the top.
I want to do what I can to help get @ladylush over the top. Sunny Tales by @coolicio and Atomic Blonde by @atlanticlungs are amazing sets. The definitely deserve more love, and I really enjoy what she brings to SG.
Hopeful @marleystone in Melbourne Made
Melbourne Made is a title that is most apropos, for there are so many Melbourne beauties to steal our hearts. Whatever is in the water there keep drinking. @marleystone crushed it in her debut, I think there is Pink her future and I hope this amazing Hopeful keeps me posted on her future endeavors so I can gush over them in future posts.
If you like sets that are bright and gorgeous @jaydehelena's debut First Lust is definitely all that. She is an underestimated beauty whose personality really pops if spend a few minutes flipping thru her page. She is must follow no doubt.
Hopeful @jessicajoyy____
I really thought @jessicajoyy____ first set Sugar Bunny Was headed straight to the Front Page, and it may very well get there. Her second set with @dollyd is on the way which is pretty exciting indeed. I am definitely on board with seeing her Pink someday, she is motivated and proving to be very dedicated in making the leap to Pink. Sign me up for must follow.
Sherbet Daze is a delightful debut for @misstaylorlala. I love it when sets have depth and hidden meanings, and the beauty of this set is absolutely divine. @princess_poppy's debut in Old Fashion brings out the sweetness of a very classy beauty. I can't wait to see what she has in store for us next. @melonii's debit set Up in Smoke is filled with a fierce charm that is wicked fun. @puresxuls ETHEREAL Is as advertised, it's all the
Hopeful @KANDYB
Good for You Is an amazing debut by the raven haired and beautifully inked @kandyb.
I love her look and am completely crushing on her vibe, and I definitely love that she has another set on the way.
@stardusst Luminous is a set that I find very Pink worthy. @stardusst is truly beautiful and she has amazing ink that reallly pops in this set. @faeryprincess My Little Pinky Pie is charming and gorgeous. I like her style and I love her curves. @billybeeverofficial's PINA COLADA is crushing MR, I hope there is a follow up in the works. @PYRO_ 's Light my Fire Definitely started a fire in me, I want to see more.
@AVRORA, @ARACHNIE & @BLINK, @DOLLYD,@FISHBALL, @LEXUSJAYNE,@PEBBLEZINK, @MILA @SIRENN: I look forward to updating everyone on the success of all of these SG Sets in the next couple of months…
@AZZYKATE @AXELREIGN @KANDYB @MISSBIJOU @MISSNICKERS @NAIDYX @OPHELIAVILE @PLENTYOFPEACH @SKADHI @VONBAT..... I will do my best to keep up with all of these amazing Hopeful and SG Sets in future, in more compact editions of @COOLICIO'S Q. For all the amazing Australian SGs and Hopefuls not featured here, I still have more love to give, and yes I will feature other Australian Photogs like @milkydame @atlanticlungs @victory and @kyla. I don't feel right with out posting something about @channy, @pugsie, @howlite and @erinys and I promise to make it up to you all very soon. DM me if there are corrections that need to made, or if you have suggestions for future posts. Follows are nice but most importantly, kick back and enjoy all of these amazing women. Let's make @coolicio's Anniversary Week something special, and definitely love her newest set YOU MAKE MY by @dollyd straight to the Front Page.
Beautiful @coolicio it has been a pleasure, and thank you for being so generous with your mad photography skills and stunning beauty, we will see you on the Front Page very soon. ❤️
To @missy @rambo & @sean I hope you have time to stop by and say hi.
Love you all...
Shawn/aka ropers71
@xheartswornx - Your Beauty Is Making Love to All My Senses (Plus Valentine's Day Contest: See Below)
@xheartswornx - Last Chance: Valentine's Day Contest (Winner To Be Chosen this Weekend)
@kungfury - Would you be my Valentine? No check Fury’s Favourite SG Sets instead! #12
@kungfury - The Man, The Myth, The Legend that is @tripodski very @tripodski
@ojtheviking - Weekend Kickoff! (February 15th, 2019)
@ojtheviking VIDEO OF THE WEEK The "Native Tongue" Challenge
and sometimes @hiptobes writes in Crayon
P.S. I did stay up late and try to time this post with @coolicio's set hitting MR.. Now I need a big ol nap, G'Nite
Special Update: 'The titles of @mila's new sets are Ziggy by @victory and the one after is in in 2 months, 1 week called Rose Drip by @coolicio. Lets make sure the crush MR with mega amounts of love!!