I do not trust what NHK or government's press conferences tell us, even I've been a huge fan of Edanon(me and my friends call him as Edanon, because he's so cute). So I've keep watching BBC almost all day.
I talked my dad this morning, and suggested him to move here before it's too late. Like friends in Germany is suggesting me to come back in Berlin, I asked him so. But my situations and his situation are totally different.
I've been here in Japan as a tourist, and my place is perfectly safe so far.
But my dad, he is living and still working hard for people in Tokyo. He stated that he'd remain committed to diplomacies with ambassadors from other countries until the things will be settle down. He has dedicated most of his life for diplomaticies, and these are more important for him than my mom, my brother or me. It doesn't mean "he does not love us at all", he had taught me how important the communications with foreign countries, and foreign people by himself. Some retired economist in the States who used to work with him when he lived in DC, they have also started having online meeting for helping Japanese economy.
Like all of you here worried about me, his friends all over the world worried about him as well.
I'm sure that I've got his genes!
He says staying in Tokyo, and completing what he has or can do is his mission. When I heard it from him, I felt I was so happy that I was born as his daughter. I thought I was going to talk to an Insuarance company if they could arrange for me to get treatments and rehabs in Berlin, but that is not what I should do now. I'll stay here as safe place, and support when my family needs me.
He has his mission.
And I also have my mission.
Funny that my mom went to beauty salon to get a harcut and nailcates, while I was talking with him on the phone. LOL
Please pray for Japan.
I talked my dad this morning, and suggested him to move here before it's too late. Like friends in Germany is suggesting me to come back in Berlin, I asked him so. But my situations and his situation are totally different.
I've been here in Japan as a tourist, and my place is perfectly safe so far.
But my dad, he is living and still working hard for people in Tokyo. He stated that he'd remain committed to diplomacies with ambassadors from other countries until the things will be settle down. He has dedicated most of his life for diplomaticies, and these are more important for him than my mom, my brother or me. It doesn't mean "he does not love us at all", he had taught me how important the communications with foreign countries, and foreign people by himself. Some retired economist in the States who used to work with him when he lived in DC, they have also started having online meeting for helping Japanese economy.
Like all of you here worried about me, his friends all over the world worried about him as well.
I'm sure that I've got his genes!

He says staying in Tokyo, and completing what he has or can do is his mission. When I heard it from him, I felt I was so happy that I was born as his daughter. I thought I was going to talk to an Insuarance company if they could arrange for me to get treatments and rehabs in Berlin, but that is not what I should do now. I'll stay here as safe place, and support when my family needs me.
He has his mission.
And I also have my mission.
Funny that my mom went to beauty salon to get a harcut and nailcates, while I was talking with him on the phone. LOL
Please pray for Japan.

Your father sounds like a good man. Glad you are safe.
i bet your mum has really nice nails now , > i like talons too