Sad news :
* I lost my most favorite beanie with flower motifs

I feel like I lost my baby sister...
I know where I lost it, exactly where it was, though when I knew it, it was too late.
It was in the center of Kyoto huge crossing, and I feel so sorry for her (my beanie).
This is the last picture with her. I miss her a lot...

Next day, I bought a new one which was fuchsia pink and shaped between bret and beanie.

The retailer taught me how to wear it nice and cute, though I am extremely bad at wearing or dressing nice, so I am not wearing it in good way. She suggested me to show my ears and piercings, though it made me freezing. I have 2 more beanies here actually, though, these are huge, so always annoy when its coming down below my eyebrows.
* Sad news
New problem is found out with my cervical spine and nerves there. So since February 10th, my fingers and hands started hurting me so badly. I never thought I've got traumatic cervical syndrome from this accident, but after 4 months later, now everyone easily can see I've got traumatic cervical syndrome now. Ugh....
I want to know how many more months I have to stay here. I hate staying here, but I do not go back to my parents house in Tokyo at all. Compare to going back to Tokyo, this small village with nothing around is much better. Sadly, there's no good and much progresses in these last few months at all.
I got new inks when I spent 4days in Kobe.

I've long hoped to have it, though I didn't have a chance to come back in Kobe or Osaka, though I had to see my friends there, or my mental condition was the worst. Then Nattsu-chan, my favorite tattoo artist (she's like my baby sister, as well!) arranged the time for me even she was fully scheduled, then I've got it finally!

It was a kind of my amulet, so I put it out from CD case, and I have it with me all the time. Or I got myself panicked. But now I will be fine. Because I have my wonderful amulet with myself, and permanent and eternally! I've been taking pictures of my new inks many times everyday, like mother takes her baby pictures. I love it so much. I really wanted to have it on me.
Other one was from his writing on my suitcase(this is like my baby sister as well!)

He wrote "SOUL IS DYNAMITE" and volcano. And I got his drawing, volcano on me.

I got one other version of "SOUL IS DYNAMITE" in April or May last year.

Though I did not know it was Boogie-Woogie executive managing director's work (we call him as Boogie-Woogie SENMU), ah, Boogie-Woogie senmu is the vocalist of THE TON-UP MOTORS.He's been spending his free time for drawing for some new for me, though he is quite busy with the band and he has weekly TV program called Boogie-Woogie Senmu. And it used to be broadcasting in only in Hokkaido (northers island in Japan), though now it's on air in some area in main land. I never saw the program anyways. He sometimes sends me some drawings, but so far I haven't still had a feeling "YES! THIS IS WHAT I WANTED!!!!!", so it'll take some more times. I found great creator.
I've known him for 2 years, though I never thought he was so talented.
That was only good news so far.
Another boring day comes when I wake up tomorrow.
That's why I do not want to wake up anymore.
My favorite YOGI TEA will almost run out. I know where I can buy them online here in Japan, though it is damn EXPENSIVE!!!!! It's about JPY1,200 / 11EUR / GBP 9.0!! I cannot afford it...
* I lost my most favorite beanie with flower motifs

I feel like I lost my baby sister...
I know where I lost it, exactly where it was, though when I knew it, it was too late.
It was in the center of Kyoto huge crossing, and I feel so sorry for her (my beanie).
This is the last picture with her. I miss her a lot...

Next day, I bought a new one which was fuchsia pink and shaped between bret and beanie.

The retailer taught me how to wear it nice and cute, though I am extremely bad at wearing or dressing nice, so I am not wearing it in good way. She suggested me to show my ears and piercings, though it made me freezing. I have 2 more beanies here actually, though, these are huge, so always annoy when its coming down below my eyebrows.
* Sad news
New problem is found out with my cervical spine and nerves there. So since February 10th, my fingers and hands started hurting me so badly. I never thought I've got traumatic cervical syndrome from this accident, but after 4 months later, now everyone easily can see I've got traumatic cervical syndrome now. Ugh....

I got new inks when I spent 4days in Kobe.

I've long hoped to have it, though I didn't have a chance to come back in Kobe or Osaka, though I had to see my friends there, or my mental condition was the worst. Then Nattsu-chan, my favorite tattoo artist (she's like my baby sister, as well!) arranged the time for me even she was fully scheduled, then I've got it finally!

It was a kind of my amulet, so I put it out from CD case, and I have it with me all the time. Or I got myself panicked. But now I will be fine. Because I have my wonderful amulet with myself, and permanent and eternally! I've been taking pictures of my new inks many times everyday, like mother takes her baby pictures. I love it so much. I really wanted to have it on me.

Other one was from his writing on my suitcase(this is like my baby sister as well!)

He wrote "SOUL IS DYNAMITE" and volcano. And I got his drawing, volcano on me.

I got one other version of "SOUL IS DYNAMITE" in April or May last year.

Though I did not know it was Boogie-Woogie executive managing director's work (we call him as Boogie-Woogie SENMU), ah, Boogie-Woogie senmu is the vocalist of THE TON-UP MOTORS.He's been spending his free time for drawing for some new for me, though he is quite busy with the band and he has weekly TV program called Boogie-Woogie Senmu. And it used to be broadcasting in only in Hokkaido (northers island in Japan), though now it's on air in some area in main land. I never saw the program anyways. He sometimes sends me some drawings, but so far I haven't still had a feeling "YES! THIS IS WHAT I WANTED!!!!!", so it'll take some more times. I found great creator.

I've known him for 2 years, though I never thought he was so talented.
That was only good news so far.
Another boring day comes when I wake up tomorrow.
That's why I do not want to wake up anymore.
My favorite YOGI TEA will almost run out. I know where I can buy them online here in Japan, though it is damn EXPENSIVE!!!!! It's about JPY1,200 / 11EUR / GBP 9.0!! I cannot afford it...

Sad to hear you lost your beanie.
but i love the idea of getting meaning full things tattoo on so they are always there to reminded you and empower you.
and sadly i can get you any good tea here in the states but maybe there is some treat i can get for you instead?