That's new years holiday.
And I'm watching MAD MAX now, it is a good movie for new years holiday night?
I bought a cute tumbler the other day.
Here are some Starbucks' new years items, and I'm going to get some of them tomorrow.
Mag and tumblers of 2010 design.
Mag and tumblers of "the year of tiger" design.
On tumblers, you can see one Japanese character in the middle, can't you?
That means tiger. We have 2 characters for tiger, and this one is for tiger of "a year of tiger".
And postcards. I'd like to get them.
Are you having a good new years day?
As I posted there in SG Germany, I wonder when the best time is for open this package. So like Inshi says "The longer you wait the more evil it gets", I'd love to wait till it's enough evil, but I don't know how long.
How can it tell me when it becomes evil enough?
I just enjoyed IMAGAWA-YAKI which was so sweet. The picture on wikipedia, that was the place nearest my flat.
I've got gain 3kg in a month.
Don't ask me why, please. Everything is because of CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!
I can't hate them, because I love them. But the most sweetest temptation is always the most dangerous trap, too.
I used to play MKB when I was a DJ as well, haha. I'm hoping to start working at the university radio station again this year, so maybe I'll get to play them again!
Actually... Megumi is 100% to blame for my attraction to glasses, hahaha.
I think this is my favourite lately:
I'm glad I've found another fan <3