I usually don't wear much clothes, even it's cold. Maybe I am all wrapped with fat.
But since I came here in Germany, even it is not my first time to be here in winter time, I can't go out without lots of shawls and knitting stuffs.
I uploaded them on my Japanese blogging site, and all of my friends were surprised, because they never seem me like wearing a lot before. Of course this is my first time to be wearing tons of stuffs.
Now I'm learning some new words.
I saw some images on Google, but I think I have to try them! Don't you think so?
But the problem is, if I remember these 2 words (also Wiener Schnitzel und wurst as well), are these words helping me survive? Probably, they will. Because i know one more word BITTE, so I think I can.
As you have already known, I enjoy having chocolate everyday, because every morning, the first thing I do is opening the door of the day of Christmas calender of LINDT.
CHOCOLATE is one of the lovely things in the world, but I feel guilty and sin.
Because they are too sweet and nice to me, and there is nothing I can treat them back except telling them that I am happy to live in the world with chocolate.
This is not a complaining.
I need some more Kasekuchen.

But since I came here in Germany, even it is not my first time to be here in winter time, I can't go out without lots of shawls and knitting stuffs.
I uploaded them on my Japanese blogging site, and all of my friends were surprised, because they never seem me like wearing a lot before. Of course this is my first time to be wearing tons of stuffs.
Now I'm learning some new words.

I saw some images on Google, but I think I have to try them! Don't you think so?

But the problem is, if I remember these 2 words (also Wiener Schnitzel und wurst as well), are these words helping me survive? Probably, they will. Because i know one more word BITTE, so I think I can.

As you have already known, I enjoy having chocolate everyday, because every morning, the first thing I do is opening the door of the day of Christmas calender of LINDT.
CHOCOLATE is one of the lovely things in the world, but I feel guilty and sin.
Because they are too sweet and nice to me, and there is nothing I can treat them back except telling them that I am happy to live in the world with chocolate.
This is not a complaining.
I need some more Kasekuchen.

like me... i need lots of clothes!
you are adorable! xxx

Yay Lindt chocolate is NOM