A story I wrote last night.
Zoi emails Ro around 8 pm and says she wants to hang out and have a few drinks at the local pub. Ro tells her ok, and that he will be ready to pick her up in an hour. Meanwhile, he prepares the ritual of transformation. He puts on his leather pants, black shirt, black shoes, eye liner; grabs a pack of clove cigarettes and a blank tape to record the last 15 minutes of American Idol. He is ready, and boy does he look spooky.
Ro picks up Zoi around 11 pm and she is pissed off since Ro is two hours late, but he cheers her up by putting on some Ani. They arrive at the pub and order a round of drinks, then discuss the significance of color in But Im a Cheerleader. The whole time Ro peers deeply into the surrounding objects, occasionally glancing in the direction of a noise; he looks dark and mysterious. Zoi orders another round of drinks, and they talk about Army of Darkness. After a while, Zoi asks Why are you pretending to be all goth?
Ro replies with his left eyebrow lifted, Pretending?
Yes, pretending you dumb shit.
How can you mock my sorrow? I am like a dove that has been shot by a poison arrow and has fallen into black pitch. Ro pulls out a clove cigarette and orders another round of drinks.
But you arent goth.
Yes I am.
Are not!
Yes, I am. I am so gothI shit black.
Oh, yeah. Prove it.
Fine. Let me eat some of these beer nuts, and then I will prove it. A shot of tequila, and two bowls of beers nuts later, Ro asks Zoi too follow him to the mens restroom.
Ro enters the bathroom; Zoi follows and locks the door behind her. Ro, who is feeling a bit nauseous, takes one of the loudest, most repulsive shits Zoi has ever heard, and the smell is almost unbearable. After leaving the stall, Ro says to Zoi, You may enter. And much to Zois surprise are little chunks of dark matter that look like something out of a bog or swamp, maybe even tar pits. They quickly leave the restroom, and return to their barstool.
You see, I really am goth. Ro orders another round of drinks.
Just because you have some gastro-intestinal problems, doesnt make you goth.
Ro pulls out another clove cigarette and lights it. After a few puffs, he is feeling nauseous and light headed. He begins to think that smoking and drinking isnt a good idea, especially if you are a non-smoker.
Suddenly, a man approaches Zoi and strikes up a conversation. Ro, who feels that his manhood has just been threatened, has gone from enjoying my buzz to belligerent drunk. Ro stops the conversation, Hey, the lady is with me.
Zoi shocked, assures the man, No, we are just friends.
Quickly, Ro replies, Yeah, she is my friend, not your friend, so why dont you fuck off.
Not wanting Ro to get his ass kicked, she assures the man that her friend Ro is just drunk and doesnt know what hes saying.
Oh, I know what Im saying, the familiar feeling of nausea burns in Ros stomach. I say, you and I dance, bitch. Ro pushes the guy then throws a weak and inaccurate swing to the right shoulder. The guy replies with a predictable punch to the stomach, and at the moment of impact, Ro releases an instant flood of chunky vomit all over the mans face. Everyone stops, some react with laughter, some in shock, others are simply repulsed. The bar tender grabs Ro and Zoi by the arm and takes them outside the bar leaving the poor man covered in beer nut-spew.
Sympathetic to Ros sickened state, Zoi takes Ro to an AM/PM to sober up. There she buys three water bottles and the two them sit in the parking lot reflecting on the nights events. Ro is having difficulty breathing because of the cloves.
A few minutes pass, and Ro needs to urinate. Rather than going into the AM/PM to get a bathroom key, he feels it is a much wiser decision to empty one of the water bottles and urinate in it. Zoi is not the least surprised at this point. When Ro is done relieving himself, Zoi tells him to drink the water to sober up.
10 minutes pass, and they finish the two bottles of water. Ro, who is feeling better, has to take another piss, and casually urinates into another empty water bottle.
10 more minutes pass, the two of them have been talking about the next Batman movie with Christian Bale, but before Ro can start ranting about Gary Oldman, who is in the film, nature calls once again, and he uses the last empty water bottle to urinate.
After 30 minutes, Ro is starting to sober up, but isnt feeling confident enough to drive. Then, out of nowhere, a car door slams near the gas pump, and a familiar voice yells, Hey! I want to talk to you. The two look over, and there is the guy from the bar, with a new shirt on and all cleaned up.
Suddenly, Ro began to see something.a visionMel GibsonJoaquin Phoenixcrop circles and aliens this moment was just like that movie Ro had difficulty breathing - he was melancholy like Mel Gibsons character instead of glasses of water, there were bottles that once contained water, but now contain urine - and Ro use to play sports in Junior High!.this was a sign!!!
Ro positioned himself and ran toward the closest bottle of urine and kicked it as hard as he could. The bottle nailed the guy right in the head. While the man stumbled back, Ro picked up the next bottle and chucked it at his abdomen. Instinctually, the man caught the bottle; it was upside down, so urine poured all over him. Finally, Ro picked up the next one, but the man was too close for him to throw it, so he doused the man with urine as if he was performing an exorcism. Away! Away! Commanded Ro. The man had enough, and charged Ro. They got on the ground and struggled for a few seconds, but Ro still had the bottle of urine in his hand. Ro was able to shove the bottle in his face and down his throat. While the man was choking and gagging on the ammonia, this gave Ro and Zui time to split. They got into the car and headed toward Zois house. The CD player had left off in the middle of Anis Untouchable Face, Ro and Zoi started laughing since they just saw a guy get a face full of puke and urine.
After a long night, Ro walks Zoi to her door.
Well, tonight was interesting. Ro exclaims.
So, can I get a goodnight kiss, after all weve been through?
Looking at Ro as if he is some sweet pathetic puppy, she gives in and goes to give him a good night kissbut suddenly, Ro feels nervous and anxious and is unable to control himself.he pukes all over Zoi.
Sorry. says Ro.
Ugh, you fucking fuck. Ill talk to you later Ro.
Zoi gets into her house, and Ro gets back into his car and drives home.
The night ended; Zoi took a long shower and Ro went home to watch his recording of American Idol.
Zoi emails Ro around 8 pm and says she wants to hang out and have a few drinks at the local pub. Ro tells her ok, and that he will be ready to pick her up in an hour. Meanwhile, he prepares the ritual of transformation. He puts on his leather pants, black shirt, black shoes, eye liner; grabs a pack of clove cigarettes and a blank tape to record the last 15 minutes of American Idol. He is ready, and boy does he look spooky.
Ro picks up Zoi around 11 pm and she is pissed off since Ro is two hours late, but he cheers her up by putting on some Ani. They arrive at the pub and order a round of drinks, then discuss the significance of color in But Im a Cheerleader. The whole time Ro peers deeply into the surrounding objects, occasionally glancing in the direction of a noise; he looks dark and mysterious. Zoi orders another round of drinks, and they talk about Army of Darkness. After a while, Zoi asks Why are you pretending to be all goth?
Ro replies with his left eyebrow lifted, Pretending?
Yes, pretending you dumb shit.
How can you mock my sorrow? I am like a dove that has been shot by a poison arrow and has fallen into black pitch. Ro pulls out a clove cigarette and orders another round of drinks.
But you arent goth.
Yes I am.
Are not!
Yes, I am. I am so gothI shit black.
Oh, yeah. Prove it.
Fine. Let me eat some of these beer nuts, and then I will prove it. A shot of tequila, and two bowls of beers nuts later, Ro asks Zoi too follow him to the mens restroom.
Ro enters the bathroom; Zoi follows and locks the door behind her. Ro, who is feeling a bit nauseous, takes one of the loudest, most repulsive shits Zoi has ever heard, and the smell is almost unbearable. After leaving the stall, Ro says to Zoi, You may enter. And much to Zois surprise are little chunks of dark matter that look like something out of a bog or swamp, maybe even tar pits. They quickly leave the restroom, and return to their barstool.
You see, I really am goth. Ro orders another round of drinks.
Just because you have some gastro-intestinal problems, doesnt make you goth.
Ro pulls out another clove cigarette and lights it. After a few puffs, he is feeling nauseous and light headed. He begins to think that smoking and drinking isnt a good idea, especially if you are a non-smoker.
Suddenly, a man approaches Zoi and strikes up a conversation. Ro, who feels that his manhood has just been threatened, has gone from enjoying my buzz to belligerent drunk. Ro stops the conversation, Hey, the lady is with me.
Zoi shocked, assures the man, No, we are just friends.
Quickly, Ro replies, Yeah, she is my friend, not your friend, so why dont you fuck off.
Not wanting Ro to get his ass kicked, she assures the man that her friend Ro is just drunk and doesnt know what hes saying.
Oh, I know what Im saying, the familiar feeling of nausea burns in Ros stomach. I say, you and I dance, bitch. Ro pushes the guy then throws a weak and inaccurate swing to the right shoulder. The guy replies with a predictable punch to the stomach, and at the moment of impact, Ro releases an instant flood of chunky vomit all over the mans face. Everyone stops, some react with laughter, some in shock, others are simply repulsed. The bar tender grabs Ro and Zoi by the arm and takes them outside the bar leaving the poor man covered in beer nut-spew.
Sympathetic to Ros sickened state, Zoi takes Ro to an AM/PM to sober up. There she buys three water bottles and the two them sit in the parking lot reflecting on the nights events. Ro is having difficulty breathing because of the cloves.
A few minutes pass, and Ro needs to urinate. Rather than going into the AM/PM to get a bathroom key, he feels it is a much wiser decision to empty one of the water bottles and urinate in it. Zoi is not the least surprised at this point. When Ro is done relieving himself, Zoi tells him to drink the water to sober up.
10 minutes pass, and they finish the two bottles of water. Ro, who is feeling better, has to take another piss, and casually urinates into another empty water bottle.
10 more minutes pass, the two of them have been talking about the next Batman movie with Christian Bale, but before Ro can start ranting about Gary Oldman, who is in the film, nature calls once again, and he uses the last empty water bottle to urinate.
After 30 minutes, Ro is starting to sober up, but isnt feeling confident enough to drive. Then, out of nowhere, a car door slams near the gas pump, and a familiar voice yells, Hey! I want to talk to you. The two look over, and there is the guy from the bar, with a new shirt on and all cleaned up.
Suddenly, Ro began to see something.a visionMel GibsonJoaquin Phoenixcrop circles and aliens this moment was just like that movie Ro had difficulty breathing - he was melancholy like Mel Gibsons character instead of glasses of water, there were bottles that once contained water, but now contain urine - and Ro use to play sports in Junior High!.this was a sign!!!
Ro positioned himself and ran toward the closest bottle of urine and kicked it as hard as he could. The bottle nailed the guy right in the head. While the man stumbled back, Ro picked up the next bottle and chucked it at his abdomen. Instinctually, the man caught the bottle; it was upside down, so urine poured all over him. Finally, Ro picked up the next one, but the man was too close for him to throw it, so he doused the man with urine as if he was performing an exorcism. Away! Away! Commanded Ro. The man had enough, and charged Ro. They got on the ground and struggled for a few seconds, but Ro still had the bottle of urine in his hand. Ro was able to shove the bottle in his face and down his throat. While the man was choking and gagging on the ammonia, this gave Ro and Zui time to split. They got into the car and headed toward Zois house. The CD player had left off in the middle of Anis Untouchable Face, Ro and Zoi started laughing since they just saw a guy get a face full of puke and urine.
After a long night, Ro walks Zoi to her door.
Well, tonight was interesting. Ro exclaims.
So, can I get a goodnight kiss, after all weve been through?
Looking at Ro as if he is some sweet pathetic puppy, she gives in and goes to give him a good night kissbut suddenly, Ro feels nervous and anxious and is unable to control himself.he pukes all over Zoi.
Sorry. says Ro.
Ugh, you fucking fuck. Ill talk to you later Ro.
Zoi gets into her house, and Ro gets back into his car and drives home.
The night ended; Zoi took a long shower and Ro went home to watch his recording of American Idol.
I study philosophy, Hesse is deeply influenced by Nietzsche, plus I like to study Buddhism. You should check out both film versions of Hesse's novels, they were done in the earily 70's, so don't expect the best quality. Hopefully someone will come around and make a much better update of the books.
reminds me of some of the flake "goth" guys i would talk to in high school
very entertaining. I loved the Shrooms tales by the way...my most fun filled time on them was at a carnival....carnies on shrooms are ten times more scary and repugnant.