I recently wrote a defense of Michael Moore Quick response in defense of Moore who is being called a liar, deceiver, and propagandist:
"I think there needs to be a clarification of intentions here. Is Moore intentionally being deceitful and putting out falsehoods, or does he just have false beliefs. For example, if a Christian knocks at my door and telling me about Jesus being alive, Judgment Day, and some Invisible Being that Lives up in the clouds, I would not accuse them of deceiving me and intentionally giving me false information. I just acknowledge that they have false belief. I wouldn't consider them terrible people for putting out false beliefs, and I wouldn't call them propagandists and slam the door in their face. I dont think Moore is intentially deceitful, which is what he is being mad out to be, I just think he has false beliefs. Just like I dont think Bush was being intentially deceitful about WMDs and Iraq, he just had inaccurate information. However, both Moore and Bush could be liars, deceivers, and propagandists, but the discussion should focus on their claims not the person.
"I think there needs to be a clarification of intentions here. Is Moore intentionally being deceitful and putting out falsehoods, or does he just have false beliefs. For example, if a Christian knocks at my door and telling me about Jesus being alive, Judgment Day, and some Invisible Being that Lives up in the clouds, I would not accuse them of deceiving me and intentionally giving me false information. I just acknowledge that they have false belief. I wouldn't consider them terrible people for putting out false beliefs, and I wouldn't call them propagandists and slam the door in their face. I dont think Moore is intentially deceitful, which is what he is being mad out to be, I just think he has false beliefs. Just like I dont think Bush was being intentially deceitful about WMDs and Iraq, he just had inaccurate information. However, both Moore and Bush could be liars, deceivers, and propagandists, but the discussion should focus on their claims not the person.
Dude, did you just type a response in your own journal?
I don't know how else to respond, I just signed up yesterday. Please inform me O Yoda.