I think I am about to break someone's heart. A girl I've known for some time in Russia says she's in love with me. I like her a lot and we've had some fun times in the past. But I've never considered her as more than a casual girlfriend I meet from time to time. From her letters and phone calls it is clearlly different for her. The thing is I don't want to lose her as a friend. What's the best way to tell her I'm not in love with her? I really don't want to do it by phone or letter. But I don't think I'll be in Moscow for another two months or so. Do you think it's OK to delay the honesty until then?
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Treat her with kid gloves and just let her know your feelings. People tend to think they are in love with someone when they feel a little lonely or are having a bad time. They get over it, and you dont have to loose a friendship, and wont if its a true one.
Anyway , peace