Just spoke to my wonderful girl on the phone. She's just off to Monaco with a girlfriend for the evening. Now I feel incredibly horny- she does that to me. But we won't see each other for another four weeks. Anyone fancy a surrogate role?
Big meeting in London tomorrow - could decide my whole future.
There'll be a room full of suits and some heavy grilling. But that's the way I like it....another reason to feel horny. Being put under pressure and having my intillect tested always gives me a hard on, especially when the suits think they're smarter than me. But I still need you to wish me luck....the arrogance is partly for show.
Just checked our New York air fares....fuckers have put them up by double for December. I guess I should have confirmed earlier.
Watched F 9-11 today...interesting movie, but I think it kinda missed out as a breath stopper. But then I've been making documentaries all my life. When fact is stranger than fiction it's tough to put things over as believable.
Big meeting in London tomorrow - could decide my whole future.
There'll be a room full of suits and some heavy grilling. But that's the way I like it....another reason to feel horny. Being put under pressure and having my intillect tested always gives me a hard on, especially when the suits think they're smarter than me. But I still need you to wish me luck....the arrogance is partly for show.
Just checked our New York air fares....fuckers have put them up by double for December. I guess I should have confirmed earlier.
Watched F 9-11 today...interesting movie, but I think it kinda missed out as a breath stopper. But then I've been making documentaries all my life. When fact is stranger than fiction it's tough to put things over as believable.
Aw, I'm not so much down, as, knowing I could do more, but I just don't. But, yes, write me a novel!