As you may have seen on the news recently these West Papuan refugees are giving us a fair bit of work to do here on Christmas Island. I may have also been exposed to contagious disease but the company isn't going to acknowledge anything until I die.
And my digital camera broke.
And I'm gonna miss the Big Day Out. For only the second time since 1994.
But none of this bothers me because I'm gonna be in Europe next freakin' month.

And my digital camera broke.

And I'm gonna miss the Big Day Out. For only the second time since 1994.
But none of this bothers me because I'm gonna be in Europe next freakin' month.
wow heard about the deadly diseases guy. i will miss you when you die. must say i'd have more sympathy if they came in the legal way instead of being queue jumpers. yes being someone waiting for family to get the approval to move countries makes you cynical. and they can't even complain of being victimised and racism'd against cos they're white! (my family i mean)