Well, I have been ill from a stress-based illness for the last two months or so and haven't been keeping up with writing my blogs and feel very sorry about that. I realize it's good FOR ME to write here and helps me connect with some of you out there, so, now in the face of retirement, I will work on regaining my health and...
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Oh, I got it via PM. Didn't you get the response?
OMG Me too!!
Here it is, the weekend again, and I am trying to keep to a commitment to write a blog post at least once a week. Today I'm a little uner the weather (wonder where that expression came from?). I;ve got a plain old feel-lousy cold. Slept to 12:45 then sort of limped through the day. Now it's earlly evening and I'm feeling a little better...
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thanks for u beautiful words
thank you 
i actually think it's a bit of a shitty picture. Bad quality and all that, but it was pretty spur-of-the-moment so that's my excuse. i'm actually not wearing lipstick in it. plus i think i look tired. and my hair's just that colour because it's wet - it's usually lighter than that and i'm getting it dyed really red again soon anyway (which i think goes better with me eyes). plus that's the colour my nipples always are: pale. but i'm pale all over so maybe it matches..?

i actually think it's a bit of a shitty picture. Bad quality and all that, but it was pretty spur-of-the-moment so that's my excuse. i'm actually not wearing lipstick in it. plus i think i look tired. and my hair's just that colour because it's wet - it's usually lighter than that and i'm getting it dyed really red again soon anyway (which i think goes better with me eyes). plus that's the colour my nipples always are: pale. but i'm pale all over so maybe it matches..?
Well, it's been a two week break since I've written here. Lots of stress at work and off for a week's vacation. Last weekend was wonderful--a 4 day summer camp for adults with general topic of the Union of Radical Political Economics. Workshops, sleeping in bunk beds--4 beds in a room--campfilre, folk sings and a lot of new friends. And trying to figure out what's...
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YES IT IS! (positive thinking, eh

toda raba!!! (thanks a lot)

Saturday again. Lovely weather here in Upstate New York. Really needed my 2 week vacation from work. Went back last Monday and was just sort of more "spongy"--more adaptable and things didn't put me down in a funk so much (I rose out of funk much easier!
) so life is fixable--even my over-stressed and bombarded by difficult changing regulations at work life. Great to...
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thanx!!!! you know... i trying one day at time!!!! 

hmm...not really. it goes in cycles and i just felt myself start a new downward one last night. but at least i was up for a few days over my birthday
it sounds like your sons are doing really well, you must be so proud of them

it sounds like your sons are doing really well, you must be so proud of them
Well, Julia and I got back home from our holidays (very English way to say it). We greatly enjoyed our 4 days in Vermont and our two days in the unique town of Northhampton, MA. You know, Northhampton is the home of Smith College, formerly all girls and part of the women's Ivy League group. Now home for a number of lesbians, a fair group...
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you know what??? i'll never tired to say to you: THANX!!!!! for everything, your soooooooo sweet
have a lovely week, be safe!!!!

Well, I'm off on vacation with my home computer still down but able to use a computer here at the motel in Northhampton, Massachusetts. Julia and I have been having a real fine vacation--a week with 2 days in Woodstock, VT, 2 days in Brattleboro, VT and 2 days in Northhampton, MA then back to Woodstock, NEW YORK, home, tomorrow. We didn't get our arguing...
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Good vibrations AND sweet sensations! You can't forget sweet sensations!!!!! Thank you so much 

Yes, sweet sensations for sure, Hyndrix.
Us California Boys have to get it right.
(r-h, born in Los Angeles!)
Us California Boys have to get it right.
(r-h, born in Los Angeles!)

ugh! computer is shot. completely. something about the hard drive just dying. blowing out. my computer friend, who works at IBM says "You're hosed". Encouraging. Men are so encouraging to each other
So I'm here at the library trying to write on this website without being spotted as being on a naughty, apparently porn site (beauty is in the mind of the beholder, right?) We...
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hey!! I know getting back home is the best when you go back you enjoy things twice cuz you know is not real life like a lil escape from reality!! I'm glad you let the anger out keeping it in is like poison and now is the time for love and that's the most important thing we have to feed everyday hope your computer gets fixed!

I guess I'm here and I don't want a weekend to pass by without a post, if I can help it. Wife Julia and I went out to see a great, up-and-coming, strong woman songwriter this morning in Saugerties, N.Y. at brunch at a place called Cafe Mezzaluna. The woman was Erin Hobson and she'll be working out her first release as the Erin Hobson...
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so Michael Jackson's dead. Ugh. You know, I don't care. I saw him as a straight up child abuser who just used his money and fame to get away with it. Well maybe now he won't get away with much anymore. Maybe not nice feelings from here, but I got to say it up straight myself because I work with too many people who are...
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i agree. i didnt like the huge hupla over michael and nothing bout farrah
some entertainment shows didnt mention michael though which i thought was good. they did the whole show over farrah.

some entertainment shows didnt mention michael though which i thought was good. they did the whole show over farrah.
Well, I've been a member of Suicide Girls for about a month and a half and I'd like to write a few things about that experience. For a man of 63 years old, married and with two kids older than many of the members (26 year old David and 31 year old Ben), I want to say that I feel such a fine feeling of...
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hey hope im one of those friends 

thank you that is so sweet I have lots of things written down everywhere lol I'll translate some and post them