So, I'm with the guy for 3 years, 1 of which is me sticking diligently by his side while he is in prison....reading all his letters about how when he gets out he can't wait to spend useless minutes with me on the couch watching t.v., or in bed just staring at me, or playing with our kids, just he "loves" me soooo much, and can't wait to be the man he was to drugged up to be before....So I walk into the bar last night and see him and his ex sitting together, of course they leave the second I walk in....Help me SG land, cause right now, I want to many wasted years, such a foolish girl....
Talk to him. Find out what's up. Determine if he left because you showed up. It may have been nothing.
If you don't believe him then revert back to my previous comments.
I stood by my ex for years while he was jobless... Me working my ass off while he sat at home and watched the golf channel - working on his swing...
On Jan 1st - our yearly anniversary (would have been 5) he tells me that he doesn't love me, isn't attracted to me anymore and wants me to move out (of his mom's house) so yeah.... fuck him.
Just keep telling yourself that you're way better than that shit.