Hello all my darlings
I have good and bad news.
The bad news is that I am $1000 dollars in debt, and part of that bill, a small part, but still apart is my SG membership. I need to make some personal sacrifices right now, and I just got to pay my bills, so I will be saying see you later to SG, but just...
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I have good and bad news.
The bad news is that I am $1000 dollars in debt, and part of that bill, a small part, but still apart is my SG membership. I need to make some personal sacrifices right now, and I just got to pay my bills, so I will be saying see you later to SG, but just...
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Happy Valentines day everyone!! I LOVE YOU ALL

We love you too!


Godsmoker is gonna be leaving sg soon, and he was my first friend on the site. Funny how one can attach themselves to people they don't even know in the 3d world. He's such a sweet guy, and a hottie too!! There arn't enough guys like that. Too many are assholes, posing as nice guys-whats the point, don't know. But, there are...
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my friend Ayres left the site so i completly understand
my friend Ayres left the site so i completly understand

Thank you everyone for wishing me a happy birthday!! I love recieving comments from you all.
My birthday went something like this. I woke up at 7 am, but because I was ill. I threw up three times. Yuck. My best girl came to visit me, she was sick as well. I eventaully forced myself to go to the gym, cause it was clear that...
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My birthday went something like this. I woke up at 7 am, but because I was ill. I threw up three times. Yuck. My best girl came to visit me, she was sick as well. I eventaully forced myself to go to the gym, cause it was clear that...
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Hey Baby! Sorry I missed your B-day!
Happy belated!
I hope everything works out for you and the 'lost boy', and you feel better soon. Girl, you are intelligent and funny all rolled up into one delightfully beautiful package!
I will miss you. I'm not renewing my account and I probably won't be around much anymore, so I guess this is farewell. Maybe we could still chill one day with our "buds".

I hope everything works out for you and the 'lost boy', and you feel better soon. Girl, you are intelligent and funny all rolled up into one delightfully beautiful package!

Happy belated birthday cutie.
Happy belated birthday cutie.
I have a song stuck in my head, even though I have not heard it in days.
Red Hot Chilli Peppers- breaking the girl
Tomorrow is my birthday, and I will be 22!!
Oooh the episode of buffy is on where she and spike get it on for the first time! I love that one. Yes, I am a closet buffy fan. Listen that show...
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Red Hot Chilli Peppers- breaking the girl
Tomorrow is my birthday, and I will be 22!!
Oooh the episode of buffy is on where she and spike get it on for the first time! I love that one. Yes, I am a closet buffy fan. Listen that show...
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happy birthday!!!!! Hot stuff!!!!!!!


( this is what happened to me today-told in form of semi-crappy poetry)
Seeing you
I could taste you in the air so when I turned to see your face
I was not surprised.
I just smiled and said hi.
The rumor is you are on heroin, you do it with your new girlfriend.
I am not surprised.
I just ask you if you are...
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Seeing you
I could taste you in the air so when I turned to see your face
I was not surprised.
I just smiled and said hi.
The rumor is you are on heroin, you do it with your new girlfriend.
I am not surprised.
I just ask you if you are...
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I love it
And btw charlies is my name so i was speaking as myself hahah

some tiomes truth is stranger than fiction

It was such a time
I had always known, but a ex boyfriend of mine taught me the only way to meet the right people in life was to meet all people, and to just talk. This simple reminder has served me very well in my life, and generally gives me extremly interesting stories about my adventures on the out and about.
My first morning...
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I had always known, but a ex boyfriend of mine taught me the only way to meet the right people in life was to meet all people, and to just talk. This simple reminder has served me very well in my life, and generally gives me extremly interesting stories about my adventures on the out and about.
My first morning...
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saturday night rocked working
and i work tonight..
i dunno how much business i'll get up there
but we will see.....
and i work tonight..
i dunno how much business i'll get up there
but we will see.....
i wrote a story i'm 2 up on you now go read it and tell me what you think
'looking for pills and draperies'
I am back!!!
Pittsburgh rocked!! The train ride sucked big time, being that we there was a over 2 hour delay leaving new york and I did not arrive till 3 am, but seeing my girl made the ride worth it. We went shopping and I scored this wonderful ski cap with the ear flaps. Its made of white fur,...
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I am back!!!
Pittsburgh rocked!! The train ride sucked big time, being that we there was a over 2 hour delay leaving new york and I did not arrive till 3 am, but seeing my girl made the ride worth it. We went shopping and I scored this wonderful ski cap with the ear flaps. Its made of white fur,...
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Three days in a row I have spent the majority of my day in tears. Depression does evetually get old.
Things are over between me and my family. They have been for awhile, but Tuesday was the finally straw. My family lives a lie, and that lie much like a virus has spread through my viens and everyone elses, and ruined us.
I am not...
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Things are over between me and my family. They have been for awhile, but Tuesday was the finally straw. My family lives a lie, and that lie much like a virus has spread through my viens and everyone elses, and ruined us.
I am not...
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damn girl i hope things improve
damn girl i hope things improve
hey sorry shit sucks right now....

hey sorry shit sucks right now....

We watch the cat look into the air
her ears twitch as if she is picking something up
something we can not hear
'Do you think animals see things that we can not see?'
'yes' you answer, surprising me.
'really? You really believe they can?'
'uh huh.' you say without a hint of sarcasm.
We watch the cat eye the air suspiciously,
I wonder who...
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danke for the comment
and no i am not published i don't publish it yet
and no i am not published i don't publish it yet
Oh my...that's a rather creepy entry. Beautifully written...but haunted.
Thanks for your comment on my set!
More people need to see Eve's Bayou, that movie is fuckin terrific! And Nip/Tuck is addictive as hell...
I too believe that animals can see and sense things that we cannot. We could probably see/sense these things too if we were less obsessed with our endless logic... Animals don't need logic. They're too busy dealing[i/] with reality, while we're too busy analyzing[i/]i it. Ah well.
Thanks for your comment on my set!

I too believe that animals can see and sense things that we cannot. We could probably see/sense these things too if we were less obsessed with our endless logic... Animals don't need logic. They're too busy dealing[i/] with reality, while we're too busy analyzing[i/]i it. Ah well.

I hit up the gym before the snow storm hit. I went to the market too, and purchased whipped cream and hot chocolate for me and The Lost boy!! I think the Lost boy is experiencing symathy PMS, because he is eating chococlate donuts and drinking hot chocolate and is gonna make chocolate pudding later for us!! Mmm, I' not too...
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While I will not be a dancer again-not a stripper at least-...
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have a monkey!
and whats a monkey without a banana playing guiter?

[Edited on Jan 21, 2005 1:03PM]

and whats a monkey without a banana playing guiter?

[Edited on Jan 21, 2005 1:03PM]
I wish you luck