Let see, well this is pretty much my last week of work at my old job and I will hopefully start my new one in the next couple weeks. I mysteriously lost power two days ago sometime in the weeee hours of the morn and finally got it back around 1 pm. That was awesome
I went out to dinner last night and didn't want to get up this morning because it's rainy and nasty out. I hate these kinds of days.
Anyway, for the inquary about the Madison-Lenox hotel from Kira. It's an old hotel of Madison in Detroit by the entertainment district. It's been closed since the early 1990's and was originaly two hotels one called the Madison and one the Lenox and were conected by a two story resturaunt. The National Historical Preservation Society (my degree is in Architecture/Interior Design) has put the hotel on it's 11 most endanged historic places list for 2004. The Illich's own the building and want to knock it down and build a parking lot. The preservation board wants to restore the hotels and resturaunt as commercial/residential/office and art space. So with nothing to do last Sunday I drove to see what and where the hotel was. I'll post pics on my piture page incase anyone is interested in the past and prestent. Not that I'm tring to start a movement or anything but I figure if I'm stuck in this area for awhile I might as well know whats going on, plus I just have this thing for abandon buildings/houses.
Ok so I cann't post the past pictures on my page so if you want to see click the link below and it should take you right to info and photos. As I'm typing this I just watch a transformer in my neightbors yard catch fire so I am out of power once again.

Anyway, for the inquary about the Madison-Lenox hotel from Kira. It's an old hotel of Madison in Detroit by the entertainment district. It's been closed since the early 1990's and was originaly two hotels one called the Madison and one the Lenox and were conected by a two story resturaunt. The National Historical Preservation Society (my degree is in Architecture/Interior Design) has put the hotel on it's 11 most endanged historic places list for 2004. The Illich's own the building and want to knock it down and build a parking lot. The preservation board wants to restore the hotels and resturaunt as commercial/residential/office and art space. So with nothing to do last Sunday I drove to see what and where the hotel was. I'll post pics on my piture page incase anyone is interested in the past and prestent. Not that I'm tring to start a movement or anything but I figure if I'm stuck in this area for awhile I might as well know whats going on, plus I just have this thing for abandon buildings/houses.

Ok so I cann't post the past pictures on my page so if you want to see click the link below and it should take you right to info and photos. As I'm typing this I just watch a transformer in my neightbors yard catch fire so I am out of power once again.

i go to madonna university in livonia, not the wayne county community college (where we were parked).
Thanks for the welcome...you're so pretty