Saturday. San Francisco to philly. Best friends mom passes suddenly, but not entirely unexpectedly from cancer. Monday, philly to Chicago to see mom and sister, both going through chemo for lung and breast cancer. Wednesday, Chicago to philly for friends moms send off on Thursday. Sunday? Philly to san Francisco maybe....... we're still standing because (see previous post)
More not great news. Hanging in there, keepin the ol' stiff upper lip. Listening to AC/DC, Tool, Chemical Bros cuz you can't be mopey listening to that stuff......
And reminding me and my sis life is short and all any of us can do is scratch out as much time here as we can and enjoy that time as much as possible. This is life!... Read More
Saw Sucker Punch last night. INTENSE!!!!
It was comic-book style kick ass action with a similarly rockin' sound track laid over an intensely sad and heart breaking story. I will see it again and I suggest you do to!!
Flyin' out to Melbourne tonight. I'll get in Sunday round noon-ish and leave Tuesday morning. I'll spend bout the same amount of time in the air than I will on the ground ;-)
Ohio?!!! WTF?!! I lived in OH for 2 and a half years and I met some lovely ladies but every other AMAZINGLY attractive SG is from where? Ohio!!
1 question and 1 announcement.
Question: Where the fuck were you all when I was there?
Announcement: I'm moving back to Ohio or...... I'm moving you all out here
Evil Park Ranger Lady cast a spell on me just before dropping into a 4 mile descent. "Be careful!" she said in a concerned tone. 15 minutes later my front tire and a gnarly ol' root conspired and succeeded in sending me directly over my handlebars. But I completed the ride unscathed!! (relatively) It'll take more than that wicked she-devil! For!!! (which means, simply,... Read More