…REALLY high! 🙌
Enjoy (for now at least) the thrill of a cocktail with a baked twist in Delaware While legislators wrangle a bill to get it regulated
Beverages infused with Delta 9 THC available at most local Delaware establishments 😎
Presently @headshot here Delta 9 THC is mostly unregulated because it is derived from legal hemp, not illegal or highly regulated weed, which was part of an agricultural bill passed years ago to deregulate hemp farming for industrial and medical purposes. Much CBD is hemp derived too. Right now I can walk into just about any gas station, convenience store, bodega, etc, here and for $10 get a bag of legal (like I said for now so far) Delta 9 hemp buds that’ll blow my head off 🤯 but the high is quickly passed and actually gives me a slight headache afterwards sort of like a hangover - something which I never get with real weed.
If this is not regulated, things can go very unpredictably for the drinkers of such a water. It's a scary thing when you can buy it at a gas station.