…or: ‘Tis the season to wrap things up chronicles.
Barring some unforeseen catastrophe like the falling (or felling) of a certain unnamed leader of a certain unnamed government *note any fictitious reference to actual people is purely coincidental* 😏ok? Or if I win the Nigerian Lottery for the 3rd time this year - you know, the one where you have to send $99 in gift cards to claim your $100,000 prize? 🤣 Shyeah right! Anyway time to say let’s put all the money in and roll ‘em again for a better New Year. I mean, what else we got…? All the time in the world. So as The Beatles say… “Play the game ‘Existence’ to the end of the beginning” so… might as well get my (_________) 👈 insert your holiday here wishes outta the way early. I’m purely equally non-Denominational in wishing everyone a joyful rest of this year and the best damn next year ever for us all ☮️😎
Foggy morning along Wilmington Delaware’s Riverwalk, all decked out. Misty breeze clinging to everything lends an interesting bubble effect through the lens. All these shot with iPhone 12 Pro Max cell camera, no filters, like I said very foggy. I desperately want a real camera I can tweak and play with and cuss at and learn when I don’t get it right, and then celebrate when I do. Oh well, next year’s bucket list.
Mallard pair gliding along. Look closely they’re silhouetted in the lights reflecting off the water.
Caught the lighting just right silhouetting this bronze memorial “Quality Time” dedicated by Wilmington’s chapter of the American Heart Association reminding us to always feel like kid when the world kicks rocks.
On the way back around I found Mr & Mrs resting on the abandoned hulk of a rotting bulkhead in the Christina River.
🎧🎼 speaking of time to wrap up, here have a time-ish Spotify playlist TIME (WARP) to warp into next year.