…put it in your pocket, save it for a rainy day”
> so goes the lyrics for that 1957 number 1 hit by Perry Como
👉 While touring the southern end of Wilmington’s ongoing Riverfront Development Project along the Christina River in Delaware the WWII era defunct shipbuilding cranes caught my eye, and while maneuvering for a better shot of one I spied several of the festive holidays star decorations decorations placed along the shoreline had toppled over in yesterday’s sleet and rain storm… so I just couldn’t pass up such a juicy pun 🤭
Here, have a photo dump…
saw this gnarly looking tree root poking through the surface made me stop and chuckle… reminds me of the Road Runner - meep meep!!
🎧🎼…and have some Bridget St John and her 1995 eclectic version of Catch a falling star
*Spotify link*