I actually got rejected by Morgan & Morgan - the self claimed best personal injury lawyers nationwide - re: my broken back and dislocated elbow from a well documented slip-n-fall accident purely at the fault of the on site property staff… because, wait for it… I don't meet their criteria for anticipated minimum return on corporate investment. Next time I see their tv ad I’ll be buying someone a new tv because theirs suddenly will have grown a brick through the screen 🤨
Is this what we’ve become America? I’m only important as to how much money a corporation sworn to uphold the laws of the Constitution can or can not make off of my personal suffering? They even told me I have a valid claim after their perfunctory case exam, just go take it somewhere else 😳
Meanwhile I still can’t take a deep breath without feeling like my left rib cage is being slo-mo shredded in a Sam Peckinpah western. Oh well. Life’s a bitch, and then you meet one on tv 🤷
And so… into that vein of capitalistic hypocrisy I inject this 🎶