Thanks for nothing Mr Lame Duck Governor Carney. You yanked the funding for Delaware’s Rapid Rehousing without unveiling its replacement!! Not only did you just toss several hard working longtime public servant professionals on the street, you just insured that 1000’s of homeless will be stuck forever wandering the streets and tent cities of Delaware. Ya know, some of us aren’t the cookie-cutter mold of the typical hopelessly mired self abusing transient that gets sloshed around in your system… some of us *me* have a decent income and good record today because we worked at it, then some unforeseen tragedy brought us to where we are now. So in essence you threw us out as well with your stinking bath water! Oh, hey Mr Govern-not I hear you’re running for mayor of #wilmingtondelaware so here is my sincerest wish for you sir: that this comes back to bite you royally in November! Good day sir, just go have it somewhere else.
p.s.: how about I drop your dime on Delaware’s Attorney General for clarification and adjudication of ALL OUR PERSONAL DATA stored in your now defunct servers… who has their grubby fingers on it when the Rapid Rehousing lights go out? That’ll look pretty in November too!