Just got word my Sis has to put her cat Peewee down tomorrow. She’s one of 4 strays that appeared out of nowhere on her front porch 14 years ago during the 1st winter that she moved into her house. She already had one stray from 2 years prior to that (who passed away last year) so all the others maybe picked up her good Cat Mom vibes.
Peewee began losing weight of about a pound per month, and exhibited signs such as feigning food and the litter box. It’s how pets let their humans know something is terribly wrong. A trip to the vet confirmed she’s going blind and has incurable pancreatitis. I’ll always remember her as the shy one who would diligently wait her turn until all the other cats got their loving and attention, then she’d immediately leap up into my lap.… loudly purring like drum roll. I’ll miss her. Sis is a mess right now while we all try consoling her that she’s doing the right thing. No pet should needlessly suffer just to prolong a life of misery.
Fly on Peewee, fly on!