My home state Delaware has exploded in exponential increase of all COVID variants. Hospitals running at average of 150% above capacity.
Yesterday I experienced symptoms of a heart attack. Though probably from stress, I did experience radically unusual symptoms than just a case of angina and shortness of breath. Total brain fog, short term amnesia. Called 911, was transported to local hospital.
Now mind you, I’m not claiming individual preference, but I did come in an ambulance hooked up with all sorts of wires and tubes. They put me in a chair in a hallway after disconnecting everything - even before a formal triage!!! I waited over 2 hours for that, then… back in the chair. Oh, did I mention there were at least 50 other patients in that hallway on chairs just like me. All crowded together, no triage, multiple people exhibiting obvious full blown COVID or flu symptoms. After 3 more hours my own symptoms had subsided. And… I said fuck it and walked out. The night shift had come in by then and all the hallway lights were dimmed, and staff gave no indication that anything would budge by morning. I’m feeling a little better, have call scheduled with my cardiologist in a few hours.
There’s something very wrong with this picture. Neighboring state Pennsylvania just ordered its National Guard to send soldiers to hospitals, clinics and testing sites to help alleviate backlogs. What happened? I mean seriously! How did this get so bad again without dramatic intervention?
And now this morning our Walmart announced it is closed indefinitely due to COVID spike among staff and vendors. They literally do not have enough people to open the store and do their jobs!
No, I don’t know the answer. Just mask up vax up stay vigilant and safe.
As I passed the guard by the entrance door I asked him how long people are waiting to see an actual nurse or doctor? He said average is 27 hours 😱 I’m posting this because the general population isn’t well informed as to the extent of this healthcare failure.