Local Cauliflower & Butternut Squash. Basted with OO, Paprika, Tamari, Curry, "Better Than Bullion" Vegetable Base *lurrve this!*, "Bell's" Turkey Seasoning *I swear no Turkeys were harmed lol* ... *oh, and it comes in a small paperboard box about the size of a deck o cards - I store it in a glass shaker, lasts longer* ...all that and just a spit of Honey to keep the bastings emulsified and lend a nice finishing caramel texture. I stored the Cauliflower greens & knots in a zippy to freeze for winter soup stock. That one photo shows it basted going in 350 for about 30-ish minutes rebasting every 10 minutes or so. Then I whip up a dip of Greek yogurt, Dill and a Lemon squirt. Err McGerrd by the time I finished typing this my kitchen smells like a Mediterranean bazar! Yurrrm!