I read somewhere that creativity often comes from repetitive tasks. I have found this to be true. I sometimes come up with great songs while cleaning. I recently was reminded of this theory while driving the other day. I was on my way to pick up John from work, when a station wagon nearly clipped me.
"RAT FUCKER!" flew from my lips. I've never used that word before nor have I heard it used. I am sure someone's used it before, but it was new to me. Now, it is my favorite expletive, which used to be Rat Bastard. Rat Fucker just gives Rat Bastard that extra oomph. But, the inspiration didn't stop there.
On the back window of this station wagon, Rat Fucker had written "Repent or Perish" and "Time is running out." I already hated Rat Fucker and now I felt deep contempt for him. Why is it okay for Christians to get away with spouting such offensive shit everywhere and not okay for anyone else? A Muslim wouldn't live to park after someone seeing "Allah hates the infidel" on the back of HIS car. Why should Rat Fucker get away with it. Then, a smile etched its way on my face. What if I made myself a bumper sticker that would just be an outright parody of Christian bumper stickers? I'm sure there's some out there, but I'd like more....much, much more.
Ideas so far:
God is my Co-Pilot. Look Ma! No Hands!
God is my Co-Pilot, which is why I successfully plow into Jews and Muslims. (little long...I know)
The End Is Near! Plan Your Orgies Now!
Repent or Party
That's the list so far. If you can come up with more, please share.
"RAT FUCKER!" flew from my lips. I've never used that word before nor have I heard it used. I am sure someone's used it before, but it was new to me. Now, it is my favorite expletive, which used to be Rat Bastard. Rat Fucker just gives Rat Bastard that extra oomph. But, the inspiration didn't stop there.
On the back window of this station wagon, Rat Fucker had written "Repent or Perish" and "Time is running out." I already hated Rat Fucker and now I felt deep contempt for him. Why is it okay for Christians to get away with spouting such offensive shit everywhere and not okay for anyone else? A Muslim wouldn't live to park after someone seeing "Allah hates the infidel" on the back of HIS car. Why should Rat Fucker get away with it. Then, a smile etched its way on my face. What if I made myself a bumper sticker that would just be an outright parody of Christian bumper stickers? I'm sure there's some out there, but I'd like more....much, much more.
Ideas so far:
God is my Co-Pilot. Look Ma! No Hands!
God is my Co-Pilot, which is why I successfully plow into Jews and Muslims. (little long...I know)
The End Is Near! Plan Your Orgies Now!
Repent or Party
That's the list so far. If you can come up with more, please share.

That said, I've picked up my own random explicative recently. 'Jesus Christ and a pork chop.' Don't know where it came from, I just screamed it one day and decided to keep it.