I wrote this some time back, so I would just like to update something. I wrote that Bush elected an idiot to head FEMA and that created problems. Well, turns out Brown wasn't such a moron. Bush refused to listen to him when Brown warned him New Orleans would be screwed if hit by a hurricane. The Bush Administration then decided to use Brown as their scapegoat for Bush's blatant lack of giving two shits. Which, to me, is even worse than putting an incompetent in charge of something as important as FEMA.
I've never considered myself patriotic. I don't get misty eyed when I hear "The Star Spangled Banner." I don't treat the American flag like the Holy Grail. In fact, I don't even own a flag. I don't even think it's very attractive. I do not possess the Capra-esque qualities that you see in movies about the little guy giving heart to the government. I don't think that Indepence Day parades are all that much fun. Really, it stinks standing out in the heat listening to badly played band music. But, now, I've started to redefine what patriotism means to me. Perhaps, patriotism isn't about tradition and emotions. Perhaps, it's about caring about your country and the people in it. You see, I care very much about America and Americans. I wish things were better here, especially for those who have it much worse than I do.
Now that I've convinced you I do actually give a flip about America, it's time for me to bitch. I'm an Independent, meaning I don't have a party. Sure, I could have become a Democrat or Republican, but I don't want to be associated with their collective stupidity. Let's face it, Democrat politicians are wimps. Republican politicians are bullies. Neither of them really represent anyone with a bit of sense left in their brains. I could join one of those other parties, but that would be like labeling myself a complete weirdo and I'm not quite ready for that. I don't care about Primaries either. In reality, the party has more power than it's figurehead. Currently, the Republican figurehead, George W. Bush is our president and he has broken the rules. He doesn't care how government functions and has become a tyrant.
Almost five years ago, the tragedy of September 11th happened. Ever since then, that has been Bush's excuse to become a tyrant. If you look at Roman history, you'll see that in times of war and such, they felt it was alright to give someone complete power without any checks. This person was titled a tyrant. Perhaps, Bush has confused America with Rome, because that's exactly what he's done. He's instilled us with fear. His government has nearly convinced Americans that one day, at our local grocery store, a terrorist attack will happen. He has most of the country believing that, unless we let him take away all of our liberties, we are at great peril. As soon as we stop being scared and put our guard down, our lives will end. But, who wants to live a life of fear and worry?
It's been five years people! How much longer are we going to allow the government to tap our phonelines with no reason? How much longer are we going to send our children out to die in a foreign country that never was a threat to begin with? How long are we going to smile and buy things with our credit card, while our President fucks everything up? How long are we going to be scared to question our President, simply because someone will tell us we're terrorist sympathizers? We're cowards.
Yes, terrorism is a real threat. It always has been and it always will be. It is not a modern invention. There was a time when red bearded men in funny boats would ransack, murder, and rape everyone in small villages in England, Scotland, and Ireland. That was terrorism. Now, we have obscure Islamic men sitting around in shacks. They save up their money and take time brainwashing younger men, before attacking another country years later. It's not always America. No, America has a much worse terrorist killing us off and filling our hearts with dread; our own President. He's done much more than any man in a turban could even dream of doing to America. He has depleted our reserves of wealth, he has sent our young to die far away, he has ignored those killed or greatly affected by disaster, he has told us to obey him or we will be hurt, and he has told us never to question him or we would be the suspects.
Quite frankly, I'm pissed off. Because I distrust this man in power, I am told that I do not care for the welfare of this country. I am told I don't care about those that sacrificed life and limb for our freedom. What fucking freedom? The freedom to swipe my credit card and pretend I don't mind that someone's openly defying ideals that our forefathers risked everything for?
The Declaration of Independence was written as a response to the tyranny the American colonies suffered under King George III. Reading it, I was struck with the irony that this George commited many of the same abuses that our George has.
From "The Declaration of Independence":
"He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good."
George Bush put an idiot in charge of FEMA who refused to respond to the tragedy that Katrina brought to so many on the Gulf Coast. Bush has ignored the EPA on matters regarding the environment, in favor of the companies that were notorious for pollution. I could really ramble on here.
"He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them."
Katrina, yet again, is an example. Let's not forget he dawdled in going after Osama Bin Laden and, thus, we lost the villain.
"He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people."
If anyone stands up to Bush, the Bush administration, or anyone of his party; they are immediately branded unpatriotic and incredulous.
"He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the consent of our legislatures."
One could argue that Bush has not done this, but he has already stated that he would want to militarize the police force if the Bird Flu were to arrive in America. Only "The Constitution" has stopped him from doing this so. However, who knows how much longer that can detain him. He has disregarded "The Constitution" in other matters.
Those that created this country risked everything to give us freedom. Many died and many went without, so that those who would come after them would never be ruled by a tyrant again. Yet, here we are, under the thumb of a bully posing as a lovable idiot. We disrespect our ancestors by complying to his will and ostracizing those who challenge him. Now, tell me, who is the patriot: the one who refuses to submit to someone they feel is harming their country or someone who blindly follows the leader?
I've never considered myself patriotic. I don't get misty eyed when I hear "The Star Spangled Banner." I don't treat the American flag like the Holy Grail. In fact, I don't even own a flag. I don't even think it's very attractive. I do not possess the Capra-esque qualities that you see in movies about the little guy giving heart to the government. I don't think that Indepence Day parades are all that much fun. Really, it stinks standing out in the heat listening to badly played band music. But, now, I've started to redefine what patriotism means to me. Perhaps, patriotism isn't about tradition and emotions. Perhaps, it's about caring about your country and the people in it. You see, I care very much about America and Americans. I wish things were better here, especially for those who have it much worse than I do.
Now that I've convinced you I do actually give a flip about America, it's time for me to bitch. I'm an Independent, meaning I don't have a party. Sure, I could have become a Democrat or Republican, but I don't want to be associated with their collective stupidity. Let's face it, Democrat politicians are wimps. Republican politicians are bullies. Neither of them really represent anyone with a bit of sense left in their brains. I could join one of those other parties, but that would be like labeling myself a complete weirdo and I'm not quite ready for that. I don't care about Primaries either. In reality, the party has more power than it's figurehead. Currently, the Republican figurehead, George W. Bush is our president and he has broken the rules. He doesn't care how government functions and has become a tyrant.
Almost five years ago, the tragedy of September 11th happened. Ever since then, that has been Bush's excuse to become a tyrant. If you look at Roman history, you'll see that in times of war and such, they felt it was alright to give someone complete power without any checks. This person was titled a tyrant. Perhaps, Bush has confused America with Rome, because that's exactly what he's done. He's instilled us with fear. His government has nearly convinced Americans that one day, at our local grocery store, a terrorist attack will happen. He has most of the country believing that, unless we let him take away all of our liberties, we are at great peril. As soon as we stop being scared and put our guard down, our lives will end. But, who wants to live a life of fear and worry?
It's been five years people! How much longer are we going to allow the government to tap our phonelines with no reason? How much longer are we going to send our children out to die in a foreign country that never was a threat to begin with? How long are we going to smile and buy things with our credit card, while our President fucks everything up? How long are we going to be scared to question our President, simply because someone will tell us we're terrorist sympathizers? We're cowards.
Yes, terrorism is a real threat. It always has been and it always will be. It is not a modern invention. There was a time when red bearded men in funny boats would ransack, murder, and rape everyone in small villages in England, Scotland, and Ireland. That was terrorism. Now, we have obscure Islamic men sitting around in shacks. They save up their money and take time brainwashing younger men, before attacking another country years later. It's not always America. No, America has a much worse terrorist killing us off and filling our hearts with dread; our own President. He's done much more than any man in a turban could even dream of doing to America. He has depleted our reserves of wealth, he has sent our young to die far away, he has ignored those killed or greatly affected by disaster, he has told us to obey him or we will be hurt, and he has told us never to question him or we would be the suspects.
Quite frankly, I'm pissed off. Because I distrust this man in power, I am told that I do not care for the welfare of this country. I am told I don't care about those that sacrificed life and limb for our freedom. What fucking freedom? The freedom to swipe my credit card and pretend I don't mind that someone's openly defying ideals that our forefathers risked everything for?
The Declaration of Independence was written as a response to the tyranny the American colonies suffered under King George III. Reading it, I was struck with the irony that this George commited many of the same abuses that our George has.
From "The Declaration of Independence":
"He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good."
George Bush put an idiot in charge of FEMA who refused to respond to the tragedy that Katrina brought to so many on the Gulf Coast. Bush has ignored the EPA on matters regarding the environment, in favor of the companies that were notorious for pollution. I could really ramble on here.
"He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them."
Katrina, yet again, is an example. Let's not forget he dawdled in going after Osama Bin Laden and, thus, we lost the villain.
"He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people."
If anyone stands up to Bush, the Bush administration, or anyone of his party; they are immediately branded unpatriotic and incredulous.
"He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the consent of our legislatures."
One could argue that Bush has not done this, but he has already stated that he would want to militarize the police force if the Bird Flu were to arrive in America. Only "The Constitution" has stopped him from doing this so. However, who knows how much longer that can detain him. He has disregarded "The Constitution" in other matters.
Those that created this country risked everything to give us freedom. Many died and many went without, so that those who would come after them would never be ruled by a tyrant again. Yet, here we are, under the thumb of a bully posing as a lovable idiot. We disrespect our ancestors by complying to his will and ostracizing those who challenge him. Now, tell me, who is the patriot: the one who refuses to submit to someone they feel is harming their country or someone who blindly follows the leader?