The sheets still have not been changed. Last night, I was wrapped in his. These things can't be explained.
This week's forecast: optimistic, with a chance of stupidity.
But I may be getting a visitor, and that will take my mind off these things---bring me back to center. Despite everything, last week was wonderful, mostly because everything seemed so fresh. New friends, warmer weather, and pills to cure me. I hope this week is made of the same simple delights.
This week's forecast: optimistic, with a chance of stupidity.
But I may be getting a visitor, and that will take my mind off these things---bring me back to center. Despite everything, last week was wonderful, mostly because everything seemed so fresh. New friends, warmer weather, and pills to cure me. I hope this week is made of the same simple delights.
simple delights
i am embrassing them right now