saw CSI:NY tonight....good show, and it was good to see the girls!
weekend was pretty good...just pretty much hung out around the house most of the weekend. i did do some side work on saturday and sunday (two different places) that will be nice once they actually pay me for said work!
Giner?? You serious?
A tanning bed, of course.
A tanning bed, of course.
so i was lame and left the site for a while...i could no longer resist the emails from missy telling me to i am back!
New boys can be fun.
so it is once again the end of the! not much is new in my life, still single, still working way too many hours for not enough pay.... hoping to have a good time tonight celebrating the coming of the new year, hope all you kids are safe and have a great time!
Where have you gone to sexy? no entries in like a month!

way tired....had a bad ass weekend. i will fill you in later after i sleep lots!
drunk....that is all
happy and hungry.... that is all.
oh wait! thanks for the birthday wishes!
oh wait! thanks for the birthday wishes!

saw ladder 49 over the weekend...great flick. not much else is new in this crazy world i call my life. work still sucks and we still havent replaced the other girl that worked in my departement. i have been asked for my resume by a few places though so maybe things are lookin up?!?
Thank you

so apparently i suck at this updating thing....not much new to report. i didnt pass the test that i took a couple weeks ago, so that sucks. my boss is giving me an additional sum of money on this paycheck for "all the extra effort" i have put in recently...w00t for actually getting noticed.

weekend has sucked balls...placed in teh car show, that has been the only bright spot thus far....
i have to work tomorrow....not that i really want to, but atleast the money will be nice.
job interview/testing on friday so thats kind of cool....or never wracking, which ever
i have to work tomorrow....not that i really want to, but atleast the money will be nice.
job interview/testing on friday so thats kind of cool....or never wracking, which ever
thanks for your compliment.

back from california! wow that was amazing, i went out there to visit a friend of mine and damn if spending time with her didnt make me want her more.....
thanks buddy
more updates...going to california tomorrow! wheee. i will be there until monday.
meh..its the weekend. i am broke and have to work on my day off!
I'm glad you checked back too!
thank you for your kind words...